November 6, 2011

Thanks to Sean Cowen on Google+ for posting this. I have eight Google+ invitations if anyone would like to join. Send me an email at tara.miller21 (at) You can also visit my Google+ page. VIDEO: [subtitles available] In a world that judges people by their number, Zero faces constant prejudice and persecution. He walks a lonely path until a chance encounter changes his life forever: he meets a female zero. Together they prove that through determination, courage, and love,... Read more

November 4, 2011

Religious and cultural misunderstanding happen between people of many different backgrounds. So when I saw a minister had published that witches were dancing around pentagrams on brooms and laying on graves, I had to jump in. As many of my readers know, I live in a small rural Missouri town. It’s so small, sometimes men will ride lawn mowers to the grocery store. It’s actually in the city code that they, as men, can do so. Really, most of the... Read more

October 31, 2011

This is a post from October 2011 which I wanted to share again. I enjoy living in a small rural town. Each fall I look out my kitchen window on a back yard filled with walnut trees and corn. This year the reformed Amish family didn’t plant sweet corn so my husband and I planted a small patch of popcorn. It’s long since been harvested and the stalks bundled up for decoration in the front of the house. Cool crisp... Read more

October 25, 2011

VIDEO: Surgeon and engineer Todd Kuiken is building a prosthetic arm that connects with the human nervous system — improving motion, control and even feeling. Onstage, patient Amanda Kitts helps demonstrate this next-gen robotic arm. VIDEO: Uploaded by JvMLimmat “Pro Infirmis conducts an experiment: there are only a few people who don`t have empathy with disabled people. Nevertheless, the passenger seat in the public bus next to Fabian often stays empty. Handicapped people are a regular part of our society.... Read more

October 24, 2011

Every week there are new press releases, articles, information, and videos popping up concerning Paganism, spirituality, health, or disabilities. Community Linkage is a collection of useful information and sometimes entertainment for you. Not just weekly but every weekday. You can stay informed by adding me to one of your social circles on Google+ or follow me on Twitter. I have a new, and hopefully more stable and secure, email address. tara.miller21(at) where you can send information, suggestions for the blog... Read more

October 22, 2011

by: Caroline Kenner Silver Spring, Maryland FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DC Pagans to Hold Samhain Ceremony Countering the New Apostolic Reformation Cursing Prayer Campaign On October 30th in Lafayette Square Park Silver Spring, MD, October 19th, 2011 Priestesses and priests from the Washington, DC Pagan community will hold a Celebration of the Divine Feminine and Religious Freedom in Lafayette Square Park across from the White House on Sunday, October 30th, 2011, as a protest to the New Apostolic Reformation’s 51-day prayer... Read more

October 21, 2011

What makes the Staff of Asclepius blog so amazing is the wonderful people who send me news and participate by sharing important information with others by posting to social media. There are new ways for you to stay informed. Every day there are new press releases, articles, information, and videos popping up concerning Paganism, spirituality, health, or disabilities. Community Linkage is a collection of useful information and sometimes entertainment for you. Since, I’ve moved my personal profile and Staff of... Read more

October 18, 2011

This is a rush transcript of audio from the Google+ Hangout video conference held on Sunday, October 16, 2011. Care was taken to provide accurate transcription of each person’s comments; however, some mistakes due to feedback noise or human error are unavoidable and unintentional. Full streaming video is available at and was provided by Keith Barrett. Transcription provided by Masery (Tara Miller) at the Staff of Asclepius blog. This transcript is my gift of time to the Pagan community.... Read more

October 18, 2011

Sunday night members of the Pagan media conducted a video interview with former New Mexico Gov. and Presidential hopeful Gary Johnson. I’m about half way through with the transcription of the hour and a half long Q&A session. It is a historic event. For the first time in history there is large networked Pagan media and they got to interview a candidate running for national office. Transcription of the audio will be posted here and available for reposting. It’s my... Read more

October 16, 2011

UPDATE: After the video conference, The Modern Witch – will have LIVE post-conference coverage. Join them for a live discussion and decompression. Thanks Cara Shulz and Star Foster for this information. Former Governor of New Mexico and Republican Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson will be interviewed tonight by members of the Pagan media. This opportunity was headed by PNC-MN (Pagan Newswire Collective Minnesota). Cara Shulz of PNC-MN, Jason Pitzl-Waters of The Wild Hunt, Star Foster of, Devin Hunter of ModernWitch... Read more

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