October 5, 2014

I'm visually impaired (VI) and a practicing witch. I'm sure some of you wonder what that's like. Well, here are some facts to ponder, some you probably wouldn't guess! Read more

October 2, 2014

Lately I’ve been praying a lot to Gaia. These are small prayers that will get me through the day, the hour and the next minute. Since mid-September I’ve been working as a customer service representative with a pharmaceutical company. I answer calls at home. We only had four days of training and each day brings new updates to our scattered handwritten and printed notes. At first I honestly didn’t think I could make it through this job that Vocational Rehabilitation... Read more

September 22, 2014

Explore the deeper more serious aspect of your soul and consciousness. Read more

September 20, 2014

This is part one of a three-part series. I love autumn. It starts off with pleasantly cool, but not usually chilly, weather and a disappearance of little flying nuissances. The sun is warm, but the air is fresh. It’s a changing time, where you can literally watch life transition from the full green of summer to the rich colors of autumn, and then everything goes that rusty golden-brown as it goes to sleep. After the warmth come the festivities. The... Read more

September 13, 2014

Sorry for the late post, everyone. Honestly I have no idea what to post about. Today was kind of odd, yet kind of predictable. One of the reasons I couldn’t hold a day job very well, apart from the fact that I tend to fly by night, is headaches. There are so many sources for me. Migraines, created by light sensitivity; menstrual headaches; generally headaches are a response to stress; and then there are days like today. I woke up... Read more

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