Pagan Enough?

Pagan Enough? April 7, 2010

Project Pagan Enough is an endeavour to engender  reform amongst Pagans; it was founded by Fire Lyte, a fellow blogger.  He  is of the opinion that although Pagans express the need for tolerance and understanding across the whole ecumenical plain, that hypocrisy languishes within our ranks, for we sorely lack this same level of generous tolerance when dealing with fellow members of the Pagan community.

Personally from a Welsh perspective I find this to be very much an American issue , for here in the United Kingdom we do not even have a recognized Pagan Community, however I agree totally with the sentiment therein.  I have especially  noticed that on-line there is often dissent, disagreement and rancour where there should be caring support, with free and willing exchange of  knowledge .

The root of this problem is totally zorbic, and yet as Pagans we Know that one’s  spirituality is the key factor, the foundation stone. So why is this happening, when we all know it to be wrong and frequently take pleasure in criticizing other religions.

I feel that the question of whether one is Pagan enough, should always be up to the individual, for the practise of our Earth Mother beliefs does not dictate that we follow indoctrination through religious dogma,  but instructs that each  follow their spirit within. Hence it is with the utmost caution that I contemplate using yet another label, for when one is  labeled, all  individuality is stifled, resulting in limitation,  destroying any chance of enlightenment.

So although I find myself  in complete agreement with Fire Lyte’s sentiment, motivation, and principles,  I will not be actively waving my banner; I will however be reminded each time I see it ‘s logo, to walk the walk, and talk the talk; I need no  banner, instead  I will try by example to live the truth of my Path, in truth,  love,  honour and respect of the Goddess.

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