Witches Beneath A Full April Moon

Witches Beneath A Full April Moon April 29, 2010

How can I describe the feeling of being in a cast circle beneath a full moon to someone who has never stood beneath the stars, Witch to Witch? Each element is easily described but the whole experience is something else entirely. Of course, each person experiences it differently but I’d like to share what my experience is like.

It begins with bathing. Before you go to circle your cleanse your body, not merely scrubbing dirt and sweat off, but releasing all the stress and care of the day. You send your worries down the drain.  A circle is no place to be thinking about whether you got the best rate for your car insurance. You let it go and give your spirit room for new experiences.

You dress and head off to circle. There’s a palpable sense of excitement, anticipation. Most likely the stars are already out and the moon is winking through the trees. It’s like the moon knows what you’re up to and heartily approves.

Arriving at circle is hugs and hellos. Everyone looks clean, bright and vibrant. Whether your covenmates are in a good or bad mood, there’s just a bit more “oomph” in their demeanor. People change into ritual robes and jewelry, any last minute tasks are completed.

Entering circle is mystical. Fire flickers about you in the form of candles, torches and balefires while stars twinkle above you and the great round moon paints everything silvery-blue. Wisps of incense and woodsmoke whirl about you and there is the sound of nature about you: wind, crickets, frogs. When it’s winter you feel chilled. In summer your body feels full and warm in the evening breeze.

The elements are called. Air. Fire. Water. Earth. From every direction new reminders of the sensual world visit you. The breeze seems to pick up when you look east. You feel a warming sensation in your tummy when you face south. You can feel the moisture in the air, earth and your own body looking west. Turning north you feel the solidity of the good earth beneath you.

By now you feel in cahoots with the whole universe and it’s infinite mystery and majesty exist within you and without you. You look around to discover your covenmates look more regal, confident and vital than they did when you first arrived. In the dancing firelight everyone assumes mythic proportions.

The Gods are called. The priest and priestess leading the rite take on the tone and manner of the Gods they have invoked. You feel the presence of something important in the circle, as though the Gods themselves walk invisibly among you.

Then comes the work. Maybe you meditate, or dance or chant. Perhaps you raise energy until the air itself crackles with impatience. Every action you take feels deliberate and certain, or holy and wild. Your body fills with possibility and joy.

Then all is done. You give heartfelt thanks to all the spirits and elements who joined you. Perhaps you sing with your covenmates. Pulsing with quiet excitement everyone goes to the tasks at hand, closing the circle and making the appropriate offerings.

You feel more human after circle, more ok with yourself and the world. I find myself often staring at the sky, or deep into the fire during circle, marveling that these wondrous things are celebrating life with me in the dark of night. The best part is, the more often you participate, the more in tune with life you feel. It’s truly a Mystery that deepens with time.

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