A Perfectly Pagani Sunday

A Perfectly Pagani Sunday May 16, 2010

I love the laid-back sunny vibe of Sunday! I’m doing something cheesy to eggs and getting some housework out of the way so I can enjoy my Myth and Symbolism class this afternoon. Here are a few Pagan things that are keeping my groovy and full of joie de vivre!

1. New Darker Shade of Pagan Podcast

Bjork and Dead Can Dance fit the post-thunderstorm mystical atmosphere of my house this morning. Like a deep-tissue massage for your soul and not too aggressive for the pre-caffeinated haze.

2. The Dalai Lama Eats Meat

Mary Mac’s Tea Room is the best Southern cooking in Atlanta, possibly the South. The Dalai Lama has eaten there, among other celebrities. This confused me, as unless it’s a mint julep or banana pudding, all Southern cooking contains meat or animal fats.

Apparently the Dalai Lama eats meat every other day. So he obviously had the fried chicken. Is this against the tenets of Buddhism? Not familiar enough to judge, but as a Pagan I applaud his moderation. Abstinence can be as harmful as gluttony. Besides, who can resist good Southern fried chicken? It would tempt the most devout ascetic!

3. Auspicious Day Drought Ends In India

Fascinating. I consult astrological calendars on a regular basis, although admittedly I take some of their advice with a grain of salt, but I couldn’t imagine postponing a celebration 6 months so the stars would be aligned just so. I love learning such fascinating things about other cultures.

4. Mary Glasspool Ordained First Lesbian Bishop in Church History

Ain’t that cool? I love that the Episcopal Church in the US strives to be inclusive despite the opinions of Anglicans in other countries. I’m not an Episcopagan, but I totally understand the impulse to be one.

5. Christopher Lee Makes Heavy Metal Album About Charlemagne

Dude, Sauron is making symphonic metal about legendary historical figures. Plus, Lee is a descendant of Charlemagne? That factoid alone is righteous!

6. Pagans Clandestinely Braid Horse Manes?

May be the funniest story ever. Rogue hairdressers, utter devotees of Epona, making Dunfermline horses stylish by force. The theories about Pagans and horse thieves seems outlandish, especially as no theft has yet occurred. Sounds like some punks are enjoying messing with people, like the equine version of crop circles.

I mean, even a horse likes getting it’s hair did.

Happy Sunday Pagani! Blessed Be!

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