Want to learn? Spell for Wisdom

Want to learn? Spell for Wisdom May 23, 2010

There is a little witch in us all, and many who are reading this are here because they are hungry for knowledge; so here is a lovely simple ritual that I wrote it many years ago, it will help and guide you.

Any moon, but the day MUST be a Thursday
Prep:Find suitable location where you will NOT be disturbed.
Take a bath or shower, wear loose fitting clean organic clothing.

You will need:
Green candle
3 tiny local pebbles from your garden or local riverbed or beach. Take care to ensure each is very individual, so that you can easily recognize each of them-
Now name them: one ‘TO KNOW’, one ‘TO DARE’, and lastly one ‘TO DO’.
Make a little ‘medicine bag’ to wear around your neck, leather is the best but crochet will work also.

All spells should be crafted within a sacred circle, so cast your circle, start in the EAST, go doesil/clockwise.
Within your circle sit, ground and centre yourself- and breathe deeply, be one with creation, light your candle, gaze into the flame and contemplate your year of study, honestly appraise whether you have done enough to leave behind the distractions of modern life and seek to live by the old ways. Or if you are a seasoned witch contemplate whether you are as dedicated as is necessary, assess your strengths and weaknesses and make plans to improve; even old crones have room for improvement.

Then take the stones in your power hand, face North (the source of wisdom) and saying out loud, holding each stone in turn, with raised hands northward say:

“This first stone is ‘To Know’
Hecate, mother, wisest of sages,
Keeper of the wisdom of ages,
May I KNOW and retain the knowledge I need,
Hecate help me to succeed”

Now put it in the bag, then…..

“This second stone is ‘To Dare’
Hecate, mother, wisest of sages,
Keeper of the wisdom of ages,
May I DARE to use the knowledge I need,
Hecate help me to succeed”

Now put it in the bag, then…..

“This third stone is ‘To Do’
Hecate, mother, wisest of sages,
Keeper of the wisdom of ages,
May I DO well and wisely the things I need,
Hecate help me to succeed”

Now tie up the bag, still facing North and say:

“I do solemnly swear to use my knowledge only for good, and to abide by the witches rule of SILENCE. Hecate, Dark Mother your daughter…………(your craft name)… thanks you.”

Wear your amulet for moots, rituals, and above all your personal workings of magic.

Enjoy, and grow in the Goddess,
Blessings, Eve.

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