Sacred Stones, Part 1

Sacred Stones, Part 1 June 19, 2010

I have a particular affinity for rocks. I have a ton of them, of all shapes and sizes, precious, semi-precious, and just plain rocks.

I moved recently, and my mom helped me carry boxes of rocks from all over the country up my stairs.

“Rocks, why would you lug around a bunch of rocks?  I think I must have dropped you on your head when you were younger,” she said, as she deposited the final box in my office.

I didn’t know, for the longest time, why I was so attracted to rocks, but I am.  I pick them up everywhere.  Right now in the car, there’s a rock from the Arizona desert that I picked up on a road trip, and it’s been there ever since.  It seems to belong there.  Certain rocks call to me.  I don’t pick up every rock I see.  Some people offer me certain rocks, and I refuse.  They have to feel right…

They have to seem like they want to come with me.

As a child, I thought most things were magical.  Be it a toy, a rock, or a button, it had its own special powers.  As I’ve grown, a lot of things have changed, but I’m still really attracted to rocks. And many things still have powers.

I think my attraction to stones has to do with the land wights – they live everywhere, so why not rocks?  It makes  sense to me that spirits should reside in stones.  After all, they’re a fairly indestructible thing to make a home.

I’ve taken a few pictures of some of my favorite stones and rocks to share with you.  Here is what they mean to me.

Tiger eye.  When I was a small child, just as fascinated by rocks as I am now, I was given a fledgling rock collection.  I still have all of the rocks from that collection.  I believe that they have more power, as they were chosen for me, by a loving source (my parents).

This stone in particular has always felt very warm to me – not necessarily in surface temperature, but the feel of the very stone itself.  Very protective, very loving.

When I was a child, my parents, brother and I went to Tennessee, and there did a bit of amateur mining.  This garnet was one of my found gems, along with an absolutely enormous smoky topaz.  I had one of my garnets set into a ring.  This one in particular was too flawed to turn into jewelry, but I kept it throughout the years.  It feels cool and calm to me.

Calcite.  This is another stone from my first collection of rocks.  I tend to think of this one as energetic.  There is something about the crystalline structure that tends to keep energy.

I am not sure what this is; it was a gift.  I believe it is faceted quartz, with embedded ancient fern.  (Please do let me know if I’m wrong, and you know what it is.)  This is a beautiful piece; however, it was given to me with questionable intentions, and it gives me a nervous energy.

Tonight, after I post this blog, I am preparing to do a cleansing on any stones I have that still feel this way to me.  This one is at the top of the list.

The two stones below were given to me, by a special friend in Oregon.  I believe she came by them through one of her grandparents.  I don’t know what either of them are, but they are very dear to me.  The one stone is far more blue in real life, but the flash washed out its color.  It almost reminds me of slate.  I believe the reddish/black one is obsidian, since the broken ends look very glassy.  Both of them feel very calming, to me.



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