Christine O’Donnell Dabbled In Witchcraft and Reagan Used Psychics

Christine O’Donnell Dabbled In Witchcraft and Reagan Used Psychics September 20, 2010

In the past, I’ve dabbled in Christianity. I was seeing this Pentecostal man and I just sort of got sucked into it briefly. I mean, I didn’t handle snakes or speak in tongues. But yeah, I dabbled. It involved a guy. Big deal.

This anecdote from my life isn’t all that interesting. It certainly wouldn’t prevent me from running for office or be held against me when seeking employment. It’s a non-issue. So why is Christine O’Donnell dabbling in Witchcraft any different?

In fact why is any political candidate’s religious views and/or history applicable at all? I am not voting them into office to give me moral instruction. I am not expecting them to stand up in the Senate and deliver a homily on the Beatitudes. In fact, I have every reasonable expectation that regardless of their religion, they will do their job as best as they can and preserve the rights and freedoms of all Americans to religious expression. So no, I don’t think a past involvement with Witchcraft has any bearing on her ability to perform the duties of a Senator.

The idea that Witchcraft or Wicca is a negative for a political candidate shows what a sad state of affairs our electoral process is in. It shows how ignorant the American public is to fall for the “scary boogeyman” tactics of the media. “Christine O’Donnell once briefly in her teens did something we don’t quite understand and we don’t think she quite understands what it was either, but she made it sound weird and we despise anything weird and unfamiliar.”

Politicians like Barack Obama and Bobby Jindal have to deal with crap constantly because ignorant people are terrified they might secretly be praying to Allah or Krishna. Really? Who cares? It’s what they do that’s important, not what they believe. Ronald Reagan used psychics and Republicans revere him for what he did, not because he believed in obtaining occult guidance.

Quite frankly the whole thing annoys the crud out of me. O’Donnell is obviously ignorant of Witchcraft, intimating it’s a dubious practice associated with Satanism, blood, and midnight picnics with men. Sounds more like she went for the dark mysterious dude in high school who figured a midnight picnic full of spooky tales was likely to make her clingy and amorous.

In my wildest dreams the media would interview Selena Fox, Margot Adler, Patrick McCollum and other experts on Witchcraft, Wicca and Paganism. The world would listen to them and realize not only is Witchcraft not a detriment for a political candidate but that O’Donnell knows little to nothing about it. Which really means she dabbled in the mystique of Witchcraft instead. Which may make people wonder “Is she just dabbling in the mystique of the Tea Party now?” THAT is the real story. THAT is what’s interesting.

If you want something to use against Christine O’Donnell then how about the fact that she’s anti-abortion, anti-masturbation, anti-premarital-sex, anti-stem-cells, anti-gay-marriage Palin-esque whack job who would sell out Anne Frank to the Nazis rather than tell a lie? No self-respecting Witch would make such a statement, I assure you.

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