Guest Post: Peter Dybing on Directionally Challenged Pagans

Guest Post: Peter Dybing on Directionally Challenged Pagans September 3, 2010

Some of us have had the experience of helping to set up a ritual site and the gentle amusement that comes with a group of directionally challenged Pagans debating witch direction is witch.  It also seems that the larger the gathering the more vocal the debate.  We, well known practitioners, unsure of the directions, each slightly embarrassed.

While this situation has brought me much amusement, as a directionally challenged Pagan my self, it also serves as a great metaphor for our own Pagan paths.  Our community has grown ever more complex with the passage of time. Constantly we are faced with choices as to what direction to send our energies in service to our communities.

Once we place our own practice, covens, and families first we are then confronted with a “witches brew” of alternatives.  What next, interfaith, environmental work, music, public information, teaching, legal advocacy, direct action, education?   What is a directionally challenged Pagan to do?

Metaphorically, each direction represents a different path, but how to decide? One could gather the facts, view the alternatives, consider the appeal of each and make a decision.  Yet, looking outward for answers on how to direct our spiritual intent seems counterintuitive.

Consider instead looking first at our selves, taking a sincere look at our skills, abilities and personal traits. Seeking next the counsel of our Pagan kin, these sisters and brothers to whom we have sacred ties are well equipped to provide invaluable feedback and insight.

Finally, if the arrow on the metaphorical compass still wavers, seek out Elders of the Pagan community.  To often these Crones and Sages are only consulted on matters of import to the entire community. It is their season for wisdom and we should take advantage of all that they have to offer.

These suggestions equate to being the only directionally challenged Pagan who  brings a compass to a ritual. Sometimes we all just need the right tools prior to taking action.

In service to the Goddess,

Peter Dybing
First Officer Elect
Covenant of the Goddess

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