Brief Musings On Pantheacon 2011

Brief Musings On Pantheacon 2011 February 21, 2011

I’m sitting in the lobby of the Doubletree  Hilton in San Jose watching folks who are leaving early, sipping coffee and trying to figure out how to convey this experience to you before I dash off to lurk in the back of Gus DiZerega’s healing workshop.

PantheaCon is a different sort of Pagan event. While my experience at Pagan Spirit Gathering was one of diverse people creating common community, PantheaCon is a celebration Pagan diversity, and it’s an important Pagan networking event. This is an event that features a fair number of Pagans in suits, and swapping business cards is a pretty common thing. There are Asatru and Goths and the whole spectrum of the Pagan community represented.

Pic of the Pagan Newswire Collective Meet 'n' Greet

And in the process of writing this I got drawn into a fantastic conversation with a Pagan academic and had to come back to this post later. And that’s what this event is about. You may plan out your day and intend to go to workshops but you end up only doing half of what you plan. Mainly because you get sucked into these amazing, fantastic in-depth conversations with fascinating people from diverse backgrounds who do really impressive things.

I will be writing more about the fantastic panels, rituals and workshops I attended and the amazing people I met, but it’s time for me to crash. Expect me to unpack this experience over the coming week on the blog.

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