I’m off to Pantheacon bright and early in the morning. I look forward to seeing all the amazing folks there. The programming list looks excellent. Lots of hard choices to make about which workshops, rituals and concerts to attend. What I can guarantee is that I will be at the following events:
- The Pagan Newswire Collective is having a Meet ‘n’ Greet on Saturday, 5-7pm, at the COG/NWC/NROOGD Suite, and I will be there hanging with the PNC folks. These are really awesome, dedicated people. You should come say Hi! Check out their new website!
- Jason Pitzl-Waters of The Wild Hunt is leading a panel discussion on Exploring New Media: A Pagan Perspective. It’s going to feature T. Thorn Coyle, Brandi Palechek of Llewellyn, Christine Hoff Kraemer of Cherry Hill Seminary with little ol’ me bringing up the rear. Should be interesting!
I will be wandering around talking to folks, collecting stories* and probably hugging a lot of people I haven’t seen in awhile or friends I haven’t met in person yet. I’ll also be blogging profusely about the event, as will many others, and posting updates to Twitter and Facebook. Keep an eye on the PNC Pcon page as well to keep updated!
For those of you attending: You will know me by my pink hair. Feel free to leave a comment here or drop me a line if you’re going to be at Pantheacon. Hope to see you there!
*I believe it’s important to record our history. Our stories are important and we need to preserve them for future generations! I’m working on a story collecting project in partnership with the Pagan Centered Podcast. More details after Pcon!