Perfect Discord and Distrust or Bad News Travels Fast

Perfect Discord and Distrust or Bad News Travels Fast April 4, 2011

Bad news sells. Gossip catches interest. Talking smack gains you an audience. Death, disease, famine, crime, broken hearts and feuds fill the television news.

This morning I sit here looking out over my neighborhood full of spring blossoms. Blooming trees, azaleas and tulips are dancing in the wind. There’s a lot of negative things I could write about today. A lot of unpleasantness I could rake through the mud. I could spend my time raking an idea, organization or person over the coals. I could but what’s the point?

You see, if you want dirt, catty snarking, flame wars or bad news there are plenty of places to find that. Some of those places are quite constructive. The Wild Hunt gives us the bad news straight, with no fearmongering or lack of nuance or balance. There are a lot of podcasters out there who give us the skinny on issues constructively, even when they take on a sarcastic or snarky tones. Some of these shows act as our own version of The Daily Show, pointing out the issues and nonsense with humor.

I can get as snarky and sarcastic as the next Pagan, but I think that’s not my path. I think maybe I should embrace Perfect Love and Perfect Trust as I have been taught it: to recognize each thing as it really is and simply funnel that discernment into constructive positivity. Not “Love, Light and Unicorns” but focusing on the positive, the possible and great accomplishments and strides our community is making.

There is something awesome happening in our communities every day. Every single day. Our traditions are vibrant beautiful expressions of the human relationship with the Universe and the Divine. A new generation is springing up, new books and music flourishing every day. Our elders are still speaking wisdom, making a stand and getting things done. We are working together to accomplish great things every day.

That’s what I want to talk about. There’s enough trash-talking, smirking, snarking and downright hateful Pagan content on the web. I hope I can provide a refreshing change of pace. I may falter, and a snark may slip out, but it’s my goal to make my posts here on Pantheon a place where the Pagan community is being celebrated instead of being torn down. I hope you, gentle readers, approve.

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