A Big Welcome to The Wild Hunt!

A Big Welcome to The Wild Hunt! June 15, 2011

As Jason posted this morning, The Wild Hunt is moving to Patheos, and I and the rest of  the Patheos staff are thrilled to have him on board. I’m not the only fan of Jason’s work here at Patheos and we’ve worked hard to make sure we can provide what he and his community needs. Jason writes:

For the majority of Wild Hunt readers, the shift will be seamless. The new site will initially have the same design as the old site (though I may do an upgrade to something a bit more modern in the near future). Permanent redirects will ensure that links to The Wild Hunt will continue to work as they always did. Updates will continue to show up at social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. We are improving the Comments function. Finally, the site will become far more reliable and stable in regards to performance and stability.

I remember when I first started with Patheos over a year ago Jason was one of the people I reached out to in the spirit of collaboration. He was gracious and welcoming, and, as I learned by trial and error, I could always count on him to send me a “what the heck are you doing?” e-mail. Not many people have the talent of pointing out what you’re doing wrong without attacking you, and I was grateful for Jason’s advice then as well as now. I don’t just consider him a collaborator or a friend, but family. When the server costs for The Wild Hunt became unsustainable I was pleased that Patheos could offer him a home that’s beneficial to him and his family, and the amazing news source he’s created.

The fact that Patheos can support the work that Jason does, and that I do, never ceases to amaze me. I hope this is merely a sign of greater things to come. I’m rather excited that we have become “co-workers” of sorts, and in the spirit of Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie shall from now on refer to him as M’Colleague.

Hullo M’Colleague! Welcome Aboard!

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