Advice Needed on Ancestor Shrines

Advice Needed on Ancestor Shrines July 5, 2011

Up in Paganistan a public ancestor shrine has opened up at the Sacred Paths center, and the story quotes Patheos columnist Galina Krasskova. It’s a great resource for folks in that area but my thoughts are a little closer to home.

Thang Nguyen via CC 2.0

I’m going to be moving into a new space in about a month or so, and trying to imagine where my altars will go in my new space. Should I place family photographs along the stairs with a shelf for incense and offerings? Should I put a few photos and a candle on the kitchen counter to honor all the hearths that came before me?

Should I ritually invite my ancestors into my new space as part of my house-blessing? Should I ward my ancestor shrine against the influence of unhelpful ancestors?

What are your household ancestor shrines like? Did you include the ancestors in your house-blessing?

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