A Smurfy Thanks to the Pagan Portal Fans!

A Smurfy Thanks to the Pagan Portal Fans! August 6, 2011

I said I would do a video, but after carrying heavy boxes and furniture upstairs in 95 degree heat yesterday, I’m moving at a snail’s pace, with much grumbling. The video and more pics will come, likely once my internet is repaired. (Working at little better than dial-up speed. )

Thank you for helping to make the Pagan Portal at Patheos and the Pantheon blog a very special place. It was you who helped make the Pagan portal the top portal in 2010, and you who made the Pagan portal the first of the Patheos faith tradition Facebook pages to break 1,000 fans. So as promised, I now have a blue scalp, neck fingernails, and, oh yes, blue hair.

Don’t I look thrilled?

Since you amazing people were able to get the Pagan portal to 1,000 fans in about 24 hours, I’ve decided that when it reaches 10,000 fans I will let y’all vote on how I should dye my hair.

Thanks again! It’s the fabulous Pagan community that keeps me going when the going gets tough! Go Pagani!

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