I Reject White Chocolate (Among Other Things)

I Reject White Chocolate (Among Other Things) August 4, 2012

I don’t think it’s actually chocolate at all. Someone wasted some sugar by mixing it in some paraffin just so they could make a buck passing it off as candy.

There is an imposter lurking among us.

White chocolate is simply the most vile confectionery known to humankind. I do not accept it as a valid member of the chocolate family, I do not tolerate it in my home and I reject it outright.

I without reservation reject that Chris Noth as Mr. Big was a better partner for Carrie Bradshaw than John Corbett as Aidan Shaw. Acting ability aside, John Corbett is simply far sexier than Chris Noth, and Sex and the City was not the same without him.

I reject snakes, with the exception of king snakes. King snakes eat other snakes so I tolerate them, but will never accept them.

I reject that Quinn survived the car crash on Glee. I doubly reject that she was able to walk after the accident. Why Ryan Murphy insists on dumping her into a pile of manure only to have her walk out clean and crisp as Grace Kelly time after time is beyond me. Quinn dying would have made a better storyline.

I reject that Wal*Mart sells out of Arizona’s Rx Stress Relief tea quickly every time they stock it, and yet they only stock it infrequently. Dude, no one wants the nasty Arnold Palmer stuff.

I reject the new Dune books. They are like fanfic, and not close to being on par with Frank Herbert’s original series.

Oh and John Beckett was one of the few who got the gist of my I Reject Jesus Christ post. I thoroughly enjoyed his response.

I also reject the fact that living in small town leaves you with a crappy ISP monopoly. I shouldn’t lose internet service just because it’s drizzly out. Maybe I’ll write something of substance tomorrow.

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