August 25, 2012

I am, once again, doing the kind of frantic budgeting in which having $50 left for a month’s worth of groceries is actually good news. What expenses can I cut? What do I absolutely have to spend money on? What will actually be possible without someone laughing hysterically at my income and credit history? The kind of crazy budgeting with margins so narrow that moving to Paganistan looking for better opportunities suddenly seems financially unfeasible because “Oh Gods, I’d have... Read more

August 24, 2012

Many of you probably already hate this idea, just from the title. Let me save you some time: I know that you hate it and I know why you hate it. I already know that most Pagans do not share the views I’m expressing here, and I don’t care. Now that that is out of the way… I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of family and continuity in Pagan communities and culture. We tend to base our communities... Read more

August 24, 2012

I have exciting things afoot in my personal life. Cogs are moving and wheels are turning. It is going to have a significant impact on my personal practice, my interaction with community, and even my writing. I might even end up sucked into writing for the PNC again. There’s a lot of potential with this change. I am very excited. Unfortunately, change sometimes incurs expense, which sucks. So I’ve decided to do something I gave up years ago: tarot readings.... Read more

August 22, 2012

I have been a big fan of Dar Williams since The Christians and the Pagans, and her lovely contributions to the first Lilith Fair album. Strangely, it was more acceptable for my sisters to listen to Madonna than for me to listen to Dar. Ironically, I think my mother thought Dar, and singer-songwriters like her, were more “gay.” I have always liked Dar, but I have literally fallen in love with her new album: In The Time Of Gods. Inspired... Read more

August 21, 2012

Since sometime last week I have been fighting some kind of flu or virus that has fogged my brain, congested my sinuses, plagued me with nausea, given me fever chills, and supplied me with muscle aches. My brain is finally emerging from the fog slowly, and my fully lucid moments are long enough to be able to write something that maintains coherency for more than a few sentences. Before I got sick I hurt my back. Last night I believe... Read more

August 20, 2012

With a large mug of coffee and plenty of coughing and sniffling, I steeled myself to watch episode 6 of Showtime’s Polyamory: Married & Dating. I was genuinely expecting to hate it as much as episode 5. I didn’t. So today we have snarky bullet points with what I hated, followed by what I loved, and then some thoughtful analysis. If you are one of the people who really hated my review, go read this instead. Jessica Karels writes really... Read more

August 20, 2012

Autumn is my favorite season. I revel in it. I read somewhere once that Hel’s kingdom was forever a misty autumn, and whether that is true or not, it makes me reluctant to grab hold of a sword when I near death. Loving autumn is a strange thing. Everything is in decline, in decay. Entropy is winning. Those bright leaves? That’s the result of trees trying desperately to stave off the inevitable winter. It’s a season of death, and I... Read more

August 19, 2012

I am mostly alive today. I’ve spent days busy dying: coughing, sleeping, shivering and feeling like warmed up dog poo. I’ve missed the anniversary of the WM3 being freed, I’ve missed a bit of drama I’m sure, and I still haven’t watched that stupid polyamory show again. I know I said I would, but when you feel like complete crap you just can’t deal with watching it too.  So go watch Terisa Greenan’s Family and trust some snark (and thoughtful... Read more

August 17, 2012

P. Sufenas Virius Lupus writes the Queer I Stand column here on Patheos Pagan. If you like this please check out his column, as well as all of our other fine columnists and bloggers. For good or ill (and despite the best efforts of queer theory’s proponents), the word “queer” is something that people associate with sexual orientation. At the end of the day, “sexual orientation” is not so much about who one loves (as there are many kinds and... Read more

August 16, 2012

Steven T Abell writes the Letters From Midgard column here on Patheos Pagan. If you like this please check out his column, as well as all of our other fine columnists and bloggers. Once upon a time ceptin it warn’t actually so long ago there was a handsome prince and some people hated him for it cause some folks are like that and also he was rich and a whole lotta folks hated him for that. He knew that folks... Read more

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