One Soul’s Quest to Re-envision our Home in The Universe.

One Soul’s Quest to Re-envision our Home in The Universe. May 22, 2016


In a world of obscene wealth, unquantifiable poverty, corporate hegemony, and racial strife, it is all too easy to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the cry of the poor. But the poor I refer to is an impoverished human community in search of it’s cosmic and sacred story. Until that story, with its manifold, deep-time implications for our journey is fully engaged in, we will flounder in a miasma of death, division, and destruction.

Niamh Brennan’s The Human in the Universe is a compelling testament to theN2 integral role of humanity in healing a fragmented world. And to restoring a grounded sense of belonging and communion to a species deluded by its own anthropocentrism.

We are not lords, masters, and manipulators of an ever-complexifying created order. We are the privileged, conscious beings who happen to be at the cutting edge of a fourteen billion year history. And we have the intelligence, technologies, and self-reflective awareness to know, and act upon, this truth.

Why we fail to, and why we harbor preposterous delusions of separation, Brennan surmises is due to our failure to know – at its deepest core – who we are. Our intrinsic relationship to each other, to every conscious being, plant, animal, and species that inhabits our planet. And to hold that relationship and sense of communion in a spirit of reverence. As in the Buddhist concept of Interdependent Co-arising, everything depends on something else for its existence. We are, have always been, and will only thrive as beings in relationship; a shimmering web of life.

The Human in the Universe is a personal, deeply reflective, soul quest to realign the angst, ambiguities, joys and wonder of life, with the consciousness energy of a universe that is continuously emerging and birthing itself anew – in, with, and through us.

Reading this passionate and poetic work, reminds me of T.S. Eliot’s philosophical musing from ‘The Little Gidding,’ –

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. 

This is a refreshing and engaging read. One that takes the reader into the author’s own sense of wonder, awe, and curiosity as she explores the meaning and mystery of consciously participating in a universe that had us in mind from the very beginning . . .

Cover Photo: Pixabay

Photo Insert: Amazon

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