Two Hymns A Day Keeps The Blessings Coming Your Way

Two Hymns A Day Keeps The Blessings Coming Your Way August 16, 2024

A hymn a day
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“Music is well said to be the speech of angels.” – Thomas Carlyle

Yesterday I wrote how a hymn a day can keep the spirit stayed. On the Subject of hymns… Do you have a song in your heart? The phrase coined by Shakespeare comes to mind.. But rather it was not coined by Shakespeare, was it? Music is well said to be the speech of angels. Well, if that is that case perhaps music should be a dwelling place, should it not? Thomas Carlisle actually coined the phrase. The speech of angels has to be a beautiful sound. 


Does your heart sing when no music is playing?

 I must confess, I do have a bias. I eat, sleep, dream, play and walk music. It is innate. I was the weird girl who loved Mozart at 6 years old. I had my tape player on play for Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. That was my jam. Serenade in G? I was here for it. My music taste is so much a part of me that I have perfect pitch recall. I ooze music. I taught my kids the same thing. They love just about every genre of music. If you are not about music and are sad, I encourage you to put on some music. Damn Yankees the musical come to mind. You’ve Gotta Have Heart. 

Music is the pentameter of Life

Music is the pentameter of life. The beat drives you, the words minister to your spirit and the tune takes your spirit to another place. Why do you think God gave us music? To salve our souls. Not to trash on today’s music… Well, Yes, I am. The intricacies of Bach are no match to modern day music. Even the hymns tell much more of a story than vapid words that only mention self. Hymns cause us to look within and out around us.  

A hymn a day
Image Courtesy of Canva Pro

Even modern artists sample old musical tales

Yesterday I was discussing the link between the artist formerly known as Prince and Samuel Barber.  My husband actually said, “Samuel Barber and Prince? That’s a stretch!” Barber wrote an absolutely beautiful choral piece concerning Under the Willow Tree Two Doves Cry. I made the connection that the artist Prince had taken the theme from Barber. The chord progressions, the general theme of the music was When Doves Cry with a modern twist. In the words of Solomon, There really is nothing new under the sun. Themes are played upon, stories are retold, and music is rewritten with different words and tomes. 


After my big musical tangent, what is the hymn of the day?

Well, there are two hymns to share. Count Your Blessings and Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Johnson Oatman composed Count Your Blessings in 1856. He was a rather prolific songwriter, he wrote over 200 songs in his life. No, Not One and Higher Ground come to mind. The words of Count Your Blessings are simple yet so profound. When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed. When you are discouraged thinking all is lost. Count your many blessings name them one by one. And it will surprise you what the Lord has done. 

Life lessons on resilience.
Image Courtesy of Canva Pro

Can you name your blessings one by one?

Can you take a moment and do just that? Today I am thankful that my feet are not cold. It is a silly yet simple notion and a very good feeling. What can you be thankful for? The story of Precious Lord is a bit more sad. The beautiful song was written in the throes of grief. Thomas Dorsey had just lost his wife and newborn son in childbirth. He felt the sting of 2 deaths keenly. In his grief stricken words he felt as if God had dealt him a great injustice. He wanted to slink away from the faith and live a life devoid of any relationship with God. Rather than choosing that option he penned the words. Precious Lord, take my hand. Lead me on, let me stand. I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. Through the storm, through the night. Lead me on. To that light. Take my hand, precious Lord and lead me home. 


The song has become solidified in the canon of hymns as a staple of Christian faith. So much of life can be a song. It is all in the composition, choice and dance of life. In these days when it seems news comes in waves of grief. Let us write a song of hope for each other in prayer and much faith. May these great artists memory be a blessing to us. I will leave you all with some actual words of Shakespeare: “If music be the food of love; play on.” 

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