The world offers temporary happiness, while God offers everlasting joy. Unknown
Thanksgiving is on the horizon here in the states. I’ve seen news stories of people telling others to not interact with family members who voted for a certain person or the other person after our very interesting election. “You don’t have to subject yourself to their crazy.” I heard that concerning both sides of the political aisle. This concept has made it so far into the political conversation that even Bill Maher had a monologue concerning this ridiculous notion. He too agreed that we are letting division win by not reaching our hands across the aisle and embracing kindness. Don’t let those who desire division win. Show them that you can get along with others no matter their political preferences. I agree Bill. He also mentioned an article that points to this subject, “Whatever happens, Love They Neighbor.” I read the article and agree one thousand percent.
Joy has been co-opted by the world
Over the last few weeks of election time, I kept hearing the word, “Joy.” I often scratched my head because in my mind, joy is something the exudes from within despite the circumstances that are swirling outwardly. Last week I shared a musing of my dearly departed mentor Pat Carver. It was in a little red folder that has seen much use and wear, but the words within? They are still as impactful as they were many years ago. Today I am going to share her musing concerning Joy.

Joyful, Joyful we adore Him, King of Heaven and of Earth. Joyful, Joyful He fulfilled All accomplished in His Birth. Victory, power, peace and comfort, came to earth that very hour. All is ours to have and keep, given to us, heap upon heap! The joy of God springs up from deep within us. It is an eternal part of us. It is ours! He is ours! All He is, is ours! His joy is a never ending power! The fulfillment of that joy is Jesus. The source of that joy is God. The carrying out of that joy in our lives is done by the Holy Spirit.
Joy can’t be taken away from us
That joy can’t be taken away from us. It is ingrained in us. The world and the enemy tries to deceive us into thinking joy is a mood (or a vibe), or a feeling, or a state of mind. The enemy doesn’t want us to know the strength we derive from God’s joy in us, so the world (and the enemy) tries to steal it from us by causing us to feel depressed, or discouraged, or affected by the weather or by what someone has said, or by all we have to do, or some other emotional or physical situation.

Joy is powerful
Since joy is a powerful strength withing us supplied by the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22), we can enter into a new area of rest and confidence knowing that our joy does not depend on the weather, or other people, or on a physical situations, but only God. He never changes– He remains the same–He remains steady–able–a constant source of joy! Jesus spoke in John 17:13 of us having His joy fulfilled in us.

So we have Jesus’ word that His joy, His gladness, His pleasure, and His delight is accomplished and completed in us and kept in us by Him. Hallelujah! More than conquerors through His joy! Made strong and steady able to stand tall. His joy is our strength, His Spirit is our power, His love is our comfort. His Word is our victory. Joyful, Joyful we adore Him. Strength upon strength, forever and ever.
May your lives be full of joy that is not dependent on any holiday but rather, the joy that springs from within from God Almighty.