A Prayer For Inauguration Day

A Prayer For Inauguration Day January 19, 2025
An Inauguration Day prayer
Image Courtesy of Canva Pro


“Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems that divide us.”

President John F. Kennedy 

I’ve spent the last few days doing some research for an upcoming article concerning the 7 mountains of influence in society. In that research, I had the opportunity to read the inauguration speeches of the Founding Fathers of America. In just about all of those speeches there was a mention of prayer and of the divine providence of God. George Washington set the stage for those who came after him with the declaration that God Almighty saw fit to garner His favor on the United States. As with any country with history, we’ve had our problems, but in the words of Bill Maher, “We’ve come a long way baby. Not perfect, but much has been achieved.”

A prayer journal had some wondrous long lost gems

I’ve discussed in other articles that I have been sorting through our empty nester house. I’ve found books, pictures and prayer journals. One such journal was from 2002 given to me by a dear family friend. In that journal, I found many prayers that were written in a time of uncertainty in the world. We had just experienced the horror of 9/11 and the world was a little darker. I had small children at the time, I poured my heart out to God asking Him for guidance. It’s amazing how God can bring certain memories or musings back to our minds at just the right time. Whether you are happy, angry, hopeful or at a loss for words about the new Commander and Chief, this is a time and opportunity for much prayer. God has given believers a very direct commandment: To love God and Love our Neighbor. Not the neighbors that we like and agree with, but also those we don’t agree with. Not the president you want, but the president that God Almighty allowed to be put in place. After all, as I told a group of people last week, what can you do to impact the election at this point? There is not much but prayer and living by God’s principles.

Effectual prayer avails much

James 5:16 tells us: Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. To pray is better than to be bitter. To pray is to follow after the heart of the Father rather than dwell in anger. Let us channel our energy to living a life of prayer and faith. After all, civility is not weakness, it is grand strength of spirit and character.

The journal prayer from long ago is apropos for today

Prayer from 8/7/2001. As we step into this time where the news seems to pour in at a break neck pace, let us dwell on God’s love and grace. Give us understanding in the dark places, let the light of scripture illumine all those spaces. To those leaders who stand and make decisions for this great land. May they seek God’s wisdom and truth and choose to stand; stand in truth, stand in light, walk in the way of grace. Give them clear minds and hearts to understand the happenings of the world. May our leaders seek Godly counsel guided by God’s word. Help us as a people to unite under a banner of truth. Let us realize that we are a part of something bigger than self, we are all dwelling in this space. This country, this land that was given to us long ago by God’s amazing grace. Be faithful be watchful dear ones, be on alert. Be full, be brimming over with God’s precious Word. Keep it in your heart. Keep it ever on your mind, so that you can stay in tune with the times. The hour is coming near, it is swiftly approaching, you will need God’s Word to keep you going. Read it, speak it, pray it out loud. Make it part of you so that peace in your soul will abound. Abound in love, abound in peace. Abound in the secret place and guarded by God’s unchanging grace.

I leave you all with the words of the late great Ronald Reagan: “If we forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”


Image Courtesy of Canva Pro
Inauguration day prayer
Image Courtesy of Canva Pro

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