“When man ceases to worship God he does not worship nothing, but he worships everything,” G.K. Chesterton
I want to tell you a story, and after reading perhaps you can decide; does history indeed repeat itself throughout the times of mankind?
Is it a tale as old as time?
There once was a culture that was betwixt and between. Between the foundation of love and grace. Betwixt the line between right and wrong. The lines were blurred, ambiguity was present. Many were confused, of this it was quite apparent. Confusion, longing and soul searching came from a very deep well. God had given them precepts to live by, yet they rebelled. On one altar was built a very high place. On the top of that altar, a fiery god was put in its place. Some called it Moloch an epithet of Ba’al. On that altar children were sacrificed to fire, you could hear their painful wails. What could bring a culture to reach this place? How could they look at their little ones who they carried and throw them away? Some say it was age old demons, some say it was simple unawareness. But God gave them a template of the scriptures and prophets to raise their awareness.

What happened?
What caused their conscience to be seared? Was it fear? Was it retribution from the gods they revered? It could be a tale as old as time, the culture became complacent, and stopped seeking what God had to provide. God gave them soul quietness and inner strength. The creator of the universe gave them His love and grace. Yet history repeated itself once again, they looked to the high places to quench the soul searching within.
Kings and leaders influence society
King Ahab, a truly evil king. He was known for bringing moral decline into his kingdom. The worship of Ba’al, the Ashtoreth poles where sexual sin was king. His wife, Jezebel, brought in pagan gods who invaded their lands. Those gods that worshiped the sun and moon and every kind of sexual sin. One goddess/god uttered some very interesting things: “I am a woman, I am a man. My gender can change.” Burning sexual sin, gratuitous violence and utter desertion from Yahweh, their hearts were hard and in great defiance. In their sin, God unleashed his fury on the land. He warned them of judgement if they didn’t turn to Him. The choice was clear, God had to cleanse the land from their great sin. Wars came, famine scorched the land. Kings perished, the land was occupied and the people cried to God for His forgiving hand.

God wants us to follow Him
God loved the people so very much, He forgave them. They turned to Him for a little while, until those devious high places and gods crept back in. History repeated itself, once again. The people forgot what had happened in the past when they embraced sin. The cycle began again, sometimes the gods had new names. But one them was present, the people were searching for quietness within. God created us for Him, to search for His peace. To find a purpose to give us a sweet soul release. King Elah, Zimri, and even King Solomon, eventually turned their back on God and looked to gross gods and sin. In those times there remained a remnant, a people who looked to Jehovah God. They prayed with urgency that the people would return to their All in All.
God’s ways lead to right pathways
God is always right, His ways lead to smoother pathways. Let us teach our children the golden rule and to dwell in fellowship with the Great I am. When God is left out of the equation, all love and empathy is blown away. Self centeredness and what’s in it for me takes its place.
Some trust in chariots, and some trust in horses
We think we possess all knowledge with our varying types of technology, we put all trust in our learned minds and our advanced degrees. But in these stories, as you can see; there is truly nothing new under the sun throughout the ages of humanity. One theme is present, each and every time, the wanton hubris of humankind. The hubris to question God Almighty, the Creator of all. He knows the way to soul purity and holiness for all. Wide is the path to destruction, there are many destructive way, but look to the narrow path, follow the Ancient of Days.

There are varying ideas concerning the past and repetition in history
Some pastors say: New days, old demons. They are rearing their ugly heads. The same sort of worship has come to society and is the new and progressive trend. Look to history, let it be your guide. Make your decision from the past, see how God calls you to look to Him as a guide. After all, the age-old theme that plays from the Bible from the beginning of days, God uses one metric, and one metric only to those who lead, that they do what is pleasing in the sight of the Lord. In doing so, He will bless the land in all things.

The Bible can teach us lessons for today
These stories are contained in the Bible, they tell of the nature of man. There were good kings who followed God, and in doing so God Blessed them. King David, King Josiah, King Hezekiah and Jehu. They acknowledged the creator of all and admonished their subjects to follow Him. In doing so, they were blessed in their land. Does history repeat itself? Are there really old demons during our new days? That is for you to decide, dear readers; I encourage you to follow El Shaddai, The Great I Am. Look to His love, to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He’ll never fail you, may His peace fill you all your days.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful. Joshua 1:8