Maundy Thursday is a Mood

Maundy Thursday is a Mood March 12, 2024

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Maundy Thursday is a Mood

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

Is your cup half empty or is it half full?

Is it full of love and gratitude?

Has your cup been washed of the dust and dank of life?

Or have you allowed that cup to get dirtier and dirtier and your life dwells in strife?

Just like most things, a simple wash can renew. 


Your cup can become sparkling, just like it was almost new. 

Wash your cup, dry your cup. 

Make sure that you don’t over fill


Love your cup, pass that love from your cup to others so that they can pass it on again.

Love can be mixed with gratitude, love can be mixed with care. 

Love can also be selflessness, show someone you care. 

Maundy Thursday can be a mood. 

A mood that points the way, 

To be more and more like Christ each day. 

Holy Week has some absolutely gorgeous and haunting music.

As a pianist and singer, holy days are a time of much musical preparation. Growing up in the Baptist faith we really didn’t observe Maundy Thursday. It wasn’t until many, many years later that I had the blessing of attending the somber service. The music brought me to tears, the lamentation of what happened thousands of years ago pierced my soul and the souls of others. That service began an absolute love for the lamentation of Maundy Thursday. This morning as music preparation began, I thought about my son’s words to me recently. Those words were, “That’s a mood.” Each time he says that in relation to what is going on in life, or in the news he very often utters those words. I finally took a moment to ask him what he meant by that phrase. He explained that a mood is something that is relatable. In that moment, looking at the beautiful music. Maundy Thursday taught me that it can indeed be a mood.

What does Maundy Thursday mean?

As the idea of a mood continued to swirl in my mind, I began to think of all of the music that accompanies this day. Even though the notes sound quite minor, (or sad) to the ear. The theme is the same, Love. The word Maundy is from the Latin word, “mandatum” which means commandment. What was Christ’s greatest command? To Love God and to Love your Neighbor as yourself. On Maundy Thursday Jesus had his last meal with his disciples. Each time I read the story I really do not think the disciples really understood what Christ was about to undertake. In Jesus’ final act of service to his disciples he gave them his bread and wine. They symbolized his body and his blood. His service to them, his final act of love before taking on the sins of the world. That had to be a tremendous weight.

Maundy Thursday is a mood of love.

Maundy Thursday is a mood because we too must love. We too must go out and serve. One choral piece that I accompanied several times is called, “Can You Drink the Cup” by Craig Courtney. The piano chords are haunting and flowing as the piece begins, the beautiful chords weave the melody of Christ’s sacrifice and the weight of His love for us. 

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Jesus knew what the cup commanded and took it willingly.

Can you drink the cup?

Embrace it in your hands?

Can you look inside and taste what it demands?

In the wine you see reflections of your soul.

No one else can drink this cup that you must hold. 

Minimalist Maundy Thursday
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The song continues with how the cup must be raised high and Christ must be unafraid to do so. Maundy Thursday is indeed a mood. A mood that even though we can never understand the weight of the cross. We can live Christ’s greatest commands. I have linked the choral piece here.

Maundy Thursday is a Gift. 

If you need a place of worship anytime please consider Towne View Baptist Church. All are Welcome.  Weekly Bible Study and Services are available. Also, Holy Week Services will be held this year. All are welcome to come!

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