March 10, 2023

That’s the question everyone would like to answer. Why does it matter that we are alive? What difference do we make in the larger scheme of things? This last question gives the secret away. The meaning of life is to belong to something other than ourselves. The secret of meaning is relationship If you ask people what is meaningful to them, they typically answer with a relationship. Many people say that family is what they find most meaningful. Others say... Read more

March 5, 2023

Where do young Anabaptists go for a college education? In this article I’ll discuss the different options that we have. (To clarify, I’ll be talking about “Conservative” Anabaptists, those who have a separate lifestyle from mainstream culture.) Anabaptists who don’t go to college Some groups aren’t comfortable with higher education. For one thing, they may see it as an unnecessary expense. Since Anabaptist communities tend to be very integrated, and since there’s a strong work ethic, pretty much any Anabaptist... Read more

February 25, 2023

For centuries, Western art has been closely linked to Christianity. Christian subjects have often been represented in literature and the other arts. That’s partly because the dominant religion of the West, from the Middle Ages to the Modern period, was Christianity. But it’s also because Christianity has so much room for artistic exploration. As a writer, and one who has been interested in music and the visual arts, I feel a kinship to the artists throughout the eras I mentioned.... Read more

February 17, 2023

Recently, in a Facebook group I’m a part of, someone asked, “What would you say to a help believer who battles with doubts from not really having a personal experience or interaction with God?” This is a fairly common question for Christians to ask. As Christians, we want to be in communication with God. We pray to him, after all; shouldn’t we be hearing from him as well? But if we can’t sense God’s presence, or if we can’t point... Read more

February 10, 2023

The New Testament idea of “separation from the world” (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 6:14-17) has meant different things to different theological traditions. This post is about what “separation from the world” means for Anabaptism. For Anabaptists, this concept is very closely tied to what we call the “two-kingdom concept.” Basically, we believe that, today, there are two spiritual realms that humans can belong to: the kingdom of God or the kingdom of this world. The kingdom of God The kingdom of... Read more

December 5, 2022

Sadly, some of the most common forms of Christianity have been linked with violence throughout history. Between crusades, burning of heretics, and nationalistic wars that played on people’s religious sensibilities, far too much violence has been done in the name of Christ. But did Jesus even permit violence? Might violent Christians actually be disobeying the founder of Christianity? That’s what the Anabaptists and other nonviolent groups have said for centuries. What Did Jesus Say About Violence? In the Sermon on... Read more

November 28, 2022

For most of my life, I’ve been prone to anxiety, but only in the last few years have I known what it is. Anxiety is a disorder where your mind obsesses about things that really shouldn’t make you worried. Your mind focuses on bad things that might happen, and it can transform even minor fears into major dreads. The whirlpool of fear that results can even bring physical effects like shortness of breath, headaches, and (in my case) sciatic pain.... Read more

October 26, 2022

What does “Anabaptist” mean? Is it the name of a church or a culture? Is it a way of life or a worldview? I’m glad you asked. On this blog, I’m offering Christian life insights from an Anabaptist perspective, so it would be good to define the term Anabaptist. I’ll offer some definitions, as well as what I think the term Anabaptist should mean to us. Anabaptist Definition “Anabaptist” first described a group of Christians who believed that the Christianity... Read more

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