You’ve Seen Sound of Freedom….So What Now?

You’ve Seen Sound of Freedom….So What Now? July 20, 2023

At the moment, it seems like every Christian in America has watched the movie Sound of Freedom and it is still gaining momentum. The second weekend stunned Hollywood and box office watchers by gaining momentum rather than dropping off.  That fact dominated entertainment headlines.

It’s been fascinating to watch this unfold at the same time that the entertainment industry is in the middle of a work stoppage due to the WGA and now SAG-AFTRA strike. (Which I plan to address in another article coming soon!) The film’s success is a great way to show people you don’t have to always play the game the way the big boys do. It’s also proof that when God wants something done, He will make it work.

Image Courtesy Angel Studios

If you have not seen Sound of Freedom yet, I would encourage you to go. As I mentioned last week, it truly is a movie worth seeing in the theaters. It’s not an easy watch by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s so important to understand at least one small part of the overwhelming problem of human trafficking.

If you have seen the film, it’s possible that you’re wondering if there’s more that you can do to bring awareness to trafficking or to help those who have been rescued from it. There are a lot of ways that you can make a difference in this fight.


Pay it Forward

Much of the box office success of Sound of Freedom has come from people just like you who watched the film and found it powerful enough to purchase tickets for someone else. Angel Studios has made this process incredibly easy. Just visit this link and you can purchase as many tickets to the movie as you like for others who might not have the funds to see the film. And if you are one of the people looking for a ticket to the film, just visit that same link and claim your ticket. As I said, it’s very fast and easy to do.


Find an Organization to Support

Though the film highlights the dangers of trafficking in other countries, it’s very important for people to understand that it happens here as well. A few years ago I worked on a film about human trafficking and my job was to connect local churches with organizations that rescue or help victims of trafficking. As I spoke with these groups all over the country, they all said one of the biggest issues is that so many people believe it doesn’t happen here. It’s only overseas so they are safe here. That is very much not the case. In every major city in the country, trafficking is happening. It’s in your region and your backyard.

Image courtesy Rescuing Hope.

If you are looking for something locally that you can do, please look in your area for an organization that helps victims of trafficking. If you can’t find any that are specifically labeled for trafficking rescue or victims, look for some that speak to domestic violence or abuse. Often these missions cross.

On the other hand, if you would like a national charity to support, I strongly encourage you to consider Rescuing Hope. Based out of Atlanta, Georgia, this non-profit is paving the way in not only rescuing victims, but changing laws, creating curriculum for churches and schools, and helping those who have been rescued heal and start new lives. I can personally speak for this one because it was founded by a very close friend of mine.


Do You Operate or Work for a Non-profit in this Space?

If so, Angel Studios is offering special consideration and assistance to anti-trafficking organizations. If you are a non-profit in this space, Angel Studios would like to partner with you in having a private screening of Sound of Freedom with full reimbursement from Angel Studios.  As someone who has worked on these sorts of screenings, I’m here to tell you that something like this could be invaluable. You could fill the auditorium with supporters of your organization, business people in your town, or even local law enforcement and political figures. This is your moment (as a non-profit) to come in after the credits have finished and strike while the iron is hot. Often, you can arrange a few minutes with the theater for a Q&A or a small, short presentation. You can give business cards, fliers, advertise upcoming events or just talk about what you’ve done.

I would strongly encourage those who operate or work at non-profits in this space to consider hosting a private screening. It can make a big difference for not only your organization but your local area. You can visit this link to find out more about private screenings for your group. 



If your church is ready to get into the anti-trafficking battle, there are many things you can do. A church in California that I know is hosting a weekend seminar for the community to come and learn more about trafficking, warning signs, and things you might want to know as a parent. I have personally gone to churches and communities to work with pastors and youth pastors on what to look for in the kids they are reaching. I have heard from churches that have set up spa nights or beauty nights for trafficking victims where women can go and minister by offering pedicures, manicures, hair services and clothing. I know of churches that are hitting the streets themselves to reach out to kids. If your church is looking for something they can do, I would encourage them to partner with a non-profit in the community to see what the needs are. If this isn’t possible, please don’t hesitate to drop me an email and I’ll personally see where I might be able to help t0 make some connections.

No matter what you do, know that even the smallest thing can create a beautiful ripple affect that changes lives. Nothing you might do, even the smallest thing, will return void in this area. Every little bit helps.

About Lori Twichell
Lori Twichell is a screenwriter, publicist and marketing director in the entertainment industry. You can read more about the author here.
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