True Spirituality According To Jesus

True Spirituality According To Jesus March 1, 2024

…It Probably Isn’t What You Are Thinking

Nicodemus and Jesus
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So, what is TRUTH? Your truth, my truth, whose truth…? The Creator’s voice is a constant reference point for creation of how things are supposed to be and what will ultimately benefit all that he has created and keep it living harmoniously and balanced and ultimately satisfying all our needs without taking away from anything else’s needs in creation. Jesus introduced a concept that was missing in all the world’s religious thinking. He introduced a concept that true balance and harmony (spirit, soul, and body) are absolutely impossible without something he called being ‘born again’. Jesus called it being ‘born again’ in the Holy Bible, book of John chapter 3. Now there is a term that has been much abused and misunderstood.

He explained to a puzzled man named Nicodemus and ultimately to us all that we needed a rebirth; a rebirth of what? A rebirth of our spirit. The Holy Bible teaches something that no other so-called holy books teach. It teaches us that humans somewhere along the way died in our spirit and lost our connection to the infinite and along with it lost our moral compass. By bad choices made by our ancestors, humans have become less than what we should be, and instead of turning to our Creator to show us the way back we have just propped up system after system until we were in such a spiritual mess that it took the Creator himself to take human form and come down here to straighten it all out.
Just about every religion in the world says if we do this or that then we will be truly spiritual or enlightened, as some religions put it. Every religion in the world says it is within our power and up to us and that we don’t need a god to do it. Basically, they are saying what Satan told Adam and Eve long ago that we are our own gods or we are god and there is no superior being outside of us that is God. The Bible is the only ‘holy’ book that teaches we fall short, we can’t do it on our own, we are disconnected from God; we need to be reconnected to him, we need to be restored into being harmonious beings with the spirit, soul and body in their proper function and that this is possible only through acknowledging our broken state and allowing Creator/God to restore this broken connection which he made a way to do just that by coming to this planet in a human form in the person of Jesus.
I have honestly and open-mindedly looked into and studied many religions and philosophies and one thing that stands out to me in the Holy Bible is it is the only belief system that admits we cannot do it on our own and that we need a Savior. It could not and cannot be lived apart from God in our life guiding us and empowering us by His Spirit.

The Truth Is Alive and Well

The truth has not changed. The truth is still alive and well. Truth is a person. His name is Jesus. Now that may be hard to grasp for the accepted concept and definition of truth has more to do with irrefutable facts. But think about it. What makes a fact irrefutable? It must be embodied by the authority of a container, as in a person who is living proof of it so much so that they are the living embodiment of that truth. Now imagine the Creator himself, creator of ALL things, THE authority on all things, including truth, taking a tangible form that can be related to on every level, even on a level of our five senses, then truth itself becomes tangible and possible to embody, comprehend, touch and live. That was what the Creator did. The Creator took human form in the form of Jesus. Then the truth itself took on a life of its own to the point that the limited human container was no longer needed and indwelled all of creation. The Creator/Spirit revealed himself that he was indeed infused in all of creation and connects all creations, including humans, back to harmony and balance in the truth embodied by Jesus.
Jesus had great respect for all religions as do I and I read and ponder many great quotes and sayings by many people. Jesus made the respect he had very clear when he said “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17). That explains a lot! Think about it. He wasn’t just speaking of Judaism and the Mosaic Law. He was saying, ‘Hey Earth, you have made a big mess out of spirituality, you have created religions and rules so difficult you can’t even live up to them yourself and I have come with good news! Your every belief system, no matter what it is, is fulfilled in me. I am the way, the truth, and the life that your spiritual longings have longed for. You have distanced yourself farther and farther from God and true spirituality year after year after year with all your systems. Some of you have meant well but I’m here to tell you that you have made it too difficult and too complicated but I am here to straighten all that out, to give you clarity and I have good news for you: no matter how evil or religious you are I have come to bring truth and forgiveness and a chance to start fresh and new.” This was not a con job or the start of another religion. It was a line drawn in the sands of eternity. The truth would no longer be a relative thing. What is good and what is evil would no longer be in the hands of humans to decide. It never really was; it was just a grand illusion that was perpetrated in the Garden of Eden and just grew and became more complex all through time. Jesus was saying the truth was not a code or set of rules or even facts; it was a person, Jesus himself. God the Creator took on a form of flesh that we humans could relate to. He reminded us and declared that he was, is, and always will be the truth. How could the truth be anything else than the Creator? He was, is, and will always be the only one with all the knowledge, all the power, and the only one good enough. He was the only one who was perfectly love, perfectly unbiased, and perfectly objective enough to be so.
Jesus went a step farther even and as God incarnate he recognized that there was a pretty big ledger of atrocities and evil built up by now. He labeled it all sin and didn’t categorize big sins and little sins and declared that there was no human being, no created thing good enough, truthful enough, holy enough to do what needed to be done and to pay the price that needed to be paid. So, he, God, sinless and holy paid the debt himself and laid down his very own life to pay the price. No one else could. Humans have tried. They have sacrificed plants, animals, and even other humans. They created all kinds of religious systems to gain God’s favor and forgiveness. Jesus was not just another enlightened teacher or a good man. Jesus was God and man in one. He was God in the flesh.
I know that sounds like a lot to swallow and in this day and time easy for some of you to pass off as preaching and trying to convert you to Christianity.

I hate the way most Christians interpret spirituality.

I am asking you to throw away all the stereotypes and bad examples that claim to follow the teachings of Christ. I’m asking you to discard religion and consider what has been presented objectively and I think you will, like I have, conclude it makes sense on a spiritual level. That’s really what it comes down to, connecting with your spirit and entering into that room where you and your spirit dwell and talk to yourself with more than words. Listen with more than your physical ears and brain and ask yourself and the Creator: Is what I have said thus far the truth? Let your spirit be brought to life in a way that you never dreamed possible as only the Creator can do. Connect to he who is truth and you will know the truth and it WILL set you free. I’m not asking you to join a church or send your money anywhere. I’m just asking you to know true harmony, balance, and peace. Being born again is only the beginning. It is an introduction to your mentor, spiritual guide, and Creator. It is an invitation to have a growing, continuing relationship with your Creator. You can still be open-minded and question everything but I’m telling you the questions will be less and less as he does something no religion can do and settle things in you and answer the deepest questions that you cannot even put into words. You will just know that you that you know. You might not be able to explain it but who can put into words how you feel on the most beautiful day of all or how you feel in the arms of that one you love? The Creator himself takes up residence in you and you in him. You become connected to a spiritual understanding that you cannot explain but neither will you feel the need to explain. You abide in a spiritual house that is seemingly just you and he teaching you, growing you on a level that is so individual and yet also connected to a great body of others like you but not like you, oneness like you never dreamed possible. This is more than religion, my friend. This is a subject I write about quite often and have even written a couple of books on and I hope this helps you on your spiritual journey.



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