
Hello! October 25, 2022

I am nervous to start writing here, I will be honest. I hope I’m always honest, here and elsewhere.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Mary. I’ve been writing about religion in my trusty journal since the beginning of this year. I have a lot of thoughts, and I’m still thinking, and I will think for the rest of my life. I am twenty years old. Like many in the modern-day world, my family raised me Catholic, and what I write will be from that perspective.

I fell in love with God when I was 11 or 12 years old, and I deeply love to hear any person speak over and over about how deeply we are loved by the God who made us. It’s the Good News, to me. We are good. Some say that is watered down religion, but it gives life to me and my heart. Perhaps it’s the “living water” Jesus said he’d give! (I’m laughing as I write this. It doesn’t come across very well.)

I hope I can spread that Good News to all who read my words, all who come across my page. As I write about various topics, I hope my readers could take something beautiful from the babblings of my mind. God wants us all to know that He loves us all. There are a thousand sides to God, unfathomably great, yet God’s here, among us.

I dearly hope everything on my blog will reflect that. If ever it doesn’t, I hope that you, my conscience, and God will hold me in check. I don’t want the freedom to speak my mind to be used in any way that pulls other people away from Love. We all have value to God, and as I’m learning, we don’t have to prove ourselves worthy of that Love. It’s there for us.

I’m convinced there’s good and evil within everybody. We have the freedom to choose. That’s a beautiful thing.

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