All The Church Bells Were Unrung

All The Church Bells Were Unrung June 17, 2024

Have you ever paused to wonder what happens or what would happen, if all the bells of history were Unrung ?

Or not even be able to ring?

Who would not make it to work on time?

Who would not get to the church on time?   

Who would not know the sweet sounds of freedom?  Does freedom not ring ?

What exactly would resound through the countryside, from hill to valley?

Who would not make it to the next class from springtime playgrounds ?

What villagers would not run for their lives if the town bell was silent?

What sleepy-eyed monk not make it to morning prayer?

Who might not bend a knee at time of worship?

And Christmas morning would sound like a dark Monday in February.

New Years would be just another year.

And not one student would be saved by the bell which never rang.

Everyone would miss the ice-cream truck.

And what would there be to jingle?

Would there be a need for Big Ben?

What would jesters have at the end of their shoes?

What baby would be sad when the little  bell above its crib simply would not ring?

Who would not ring the golden bell after treatment ?

Who would overcook the Easter ham?  Better yet, undercook the eggs?

The Liberty Bell would be always be unbroken .

Would grandfather’s clock just chirp on the hour?

What would summon the farm workers to lunch?

Would the announcement of the end of World Wars stay mute and lose their sudden glory?

And, God forbid, would Angels EVER get their wings?

We may never really know.   And never know for whom and why that bell tolls – but thank God it does!

May the bells of our lives always ring and resound  ….

because if not, somebody might just undercook the turkey.

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