9/11 Tribute Painting

9/11 Tribute Painting September 13, 2011

Renowned watercolorist and Scientologist Pomm Hepner was featured on NCB in Los Angeles on September 11.   She was interviewed about her painting called The Story of Unspoken Courage.

Unspoken Courage by Pomm

Her website, http://pommfineart.com, tells of the significance of the painting:

“In 2001, Pomm traveled to New York City a week after the September 11 tragedy to assist with the relief efforts and painted a huge, three-panel mural of the American flag. Pomm was inspired by this experience in New York. After seeing such dedication and bravery around her at every turn, she resolved to pay tribute to these courageous heroes in the best way she could, through her art. Thus, the watercolor painting “Unspoken Courage” was born.

“‘I painted this painting from my heart,’ the artist says. ‘I wanted people to see that courage, honor and unity are the virtues that have been born from such a tragic event and that we should continue to strengthen them.’

“The painting depicts a New York firefighter with two children gazing out to a waving American flag. At the bottom of the print is a plaque with a quote:

“‘Wherever man strives, wherever he works, whatever he does, the good he does outweighs the evil.’ – L. Ron Hubbard.

“Numerous fire stations top the list of the many presentations Pomm has made.”

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