Human rights activist to launch Duarte youth program

Human rights activist to launch Duarte youth program December 14, 2011

Scientologist Tim Bowles was featured in an article in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune about the human rights initiative he is launching in Southern California.  Mr. Bowles, an attorney, is founder of the African Human Rights Leadership Campaign and heads up the Human Rights Office of the  Church of  Scientology of Pasadena.


As director for international development of Youth for Human Rights, Timothy Bowles has helped empower and educate youth in impoverished and war-torn African countries about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Now, the Pasadena attorney is preparing to launch a pilot program to train a diverse group of San Gabriel Valley high school students to be human rights advocates in their own communities.

Bowles was the guest speaker at the Duarte Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast & Community Service Recognition Awards at City of Hope’s Cooper Auditorium, where he showed a video of the organization’s work in Sierra Leone and Liberia.

“In many ways, the challenge to inspire America’s young people is greater than with the students you have just seen, many of whom were soldiers or the casualties of war before they were teenagers as well as the targets and recipients of their violence,” Bowles told an audience of about 140 people.

“I believe that we live in a day – and in communities – where cynicism and apathy are the `new cool’ and where too many think they have the luxury to harbor false, fixed ideas about those groups or individuals labeled as different, whether those differences come in the form of ethnicity, culture, economic station, or religion.”>>


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