Education the best way to stop drug addiction

Education the best way to stop drug addiction June 24, 2012

A message from a Scientologist who is active in drug demand reduction in Australia, courtesy of the Bedingo Advisor

IN Drug Action Week (June 17-23), I want to tell readers that the “war on drugs” has NOT failed.

The message is being heard by young people.

Statistics show that education is by far the most effective at stopping the end users.

Between 2004 and 2007 the use of marijuana by 14-19 year-olds fell by 28 per cent! So we are on the right track.

The group I volunteer for, the Drug Free Ambassadors Australia, as well as the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia and the United Nations International Day Against Drugs (June 26) are all promoting the same message – find out the facts about drugs.

There is a lot of talk about drugs – on the streets, the internet, at school and TV. Some of it is true, some not.

Much of what young people hear about drugs actually comes from those selling them.

Reformed drug dealers have confessed they would have said anything to get others to buy drugs.

We educate people fully with all the facts – not opinions, hype or scare tactics.

Young people are smart and with the facts they can make informed decisions.

Any addict will tell you they never expected a drug to take control of their life or maybe that they started with “just pot” and that it was “just something to do” with their friends.

They thought they could handle it and when they found out they couldn’t, it was too late.

Sooner or later – if it hasn’t already happened – you or someone you know will be offered drugs.

So we all need to know how to talk to our friends and family about drugs.

And increasingly those drugs at the party or club are going to be prescription drugs replacing the illicit drugs.

We give out tens of thousands of the Truth About Drugs booklets for free – a series of 12 booklets covering each major drug, including alcohol, prescription painkillers and other prescription drugs, abuse of which is now the 4th biggest problem we face in the community.

Anyone can start educating themselves and others. Sometimes it is hard to know what to say about drugs – but these booklets make it easy.

So do something this Drug Action Week. Get involved no matter how small.

Talk about drugs to someone you know over a coffee. Sit down with your kids and talk to them.

Log on to and list your activity. We are happy to provide free booklets.

Christine Boler,

Drug Free Ambassador Victoria


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