National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week April 11, 2014


Scientology Volunteer Minister

In his 2014 National Volunteer Week Proclamation, President Obama said, “Through countless acts of kindness, generosity, and service, Americans recognize that we are all bound together—that we move this country forward by giving of ourselves to others and caring for those around us.”

According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, some 64.5 million Americans volunteered this year in diverse sectors of society, including churches, health care, education, sports, and social services.

Scientologists volunteer more that 28 million hours a year and without them our Church would never be able to accomplish our humanitarian objectives.

Volunteerism is a commitment to help and help is a central tenet of all religions.

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard expressed the importance of help, in these words.

“The biggest right there is, is not the right to vote, is not the right to freedom of speech or press or religion or anything else.  The biggest right there is in human rights is the right to help.”

Here’s to all of us exercising the right to help even more in the coming year.

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