Views of a Scientologist Parent

Views of a Scientologist Parent June 25, 2014

An interesting interview with a Scientologist appeared on World Religion News and bears sharing here:

Hailley Scientology Parent Interview

Hailley, a lifelong Scientologist, is a mother to two beautiful daughters, and makes her home in the Portland, Oregon area. Her answers to the students’ questions are as follows:

Can you explain both how and why you became involved with the Church of Scientology?

My parents were Scientologists. On the beaches of Oahu, my dad was handed a flier that read, “Do you want to be happy?” and on the flier it had information about the whereabouts of the local Scientology Church. He and my mom walked to the Church to begin their first service towards their initial goal of being happy. This was in the early 1970s and they are dedicated members to this day.>>

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