My Family and My Life After Going Clear

My Family and My Life After Going Clear March 30, 2017

The Scientology Parent blog gives incite into what it is like to attain the state of Clear in an interview with Felcia, a mother of two, who describes the enormous difference going Clear has made in her life—her creativity, her aspirations, her relationship with her children.

The state of Clear is described briefly in this video from the YouTube Scientology channel:

While the full article is available on the Scientology Parents website the following excerpts will give you a good ideal of what it is like:

“Throughout the course of my auditing (Scientology spiritual counseling) I was aware that I was gaining more and more control of my mind and my life. Problems, conflicts with others, unchanging patterns, negative thoughts, fears and anxieties that I had dealt with for years started to melt away as I moved through the program of processes offered in Scientology. When I made it to the State of Clear a huge weight was lifted forever and it was the most relief I have ever experienced.


I felt completely at ease with myself and confident with who I am.

I found that prior artistic skills and imaginative ability that had defined me as a child and young adult, but that I had completely lost sight of, came back to me. Worries from my past had vanished. Anything bad that had ever happened to me had no further effect on me in the present time. Even saying this now seems unbelievable, but it’s absolutely true.


Before going Clear that I knew was driving my kids batty, but that I just couldn’t seem to knock. I’m giving my kids more space and positive reinforcement now and I think this makes them more confident and responsible. I had mistakenly operated in the past as a sort of “smother” mother, and this parenting technique was not resulting in kids who could think for themselves.

Now I am very free in my approach, though I of course maintain a rational level of control with them. My daughter has really picked up on this recently and is demanding that she do all kinds of things for herself: get dressed, buckle her own seat belt and make her own plate of food. Even though she is only 3 ½ I see she is taking ownership for her life and this is an excellent sign for the future.


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