The Freewinds 30th Anniversary Maiden Voyage Celebration

The Freewinds 30th Anniversary Maiden Voyage Celebration July 11, 2018

Scientologists from around the world attended the week-long cruise commemorating the anniversary of the maiden voyage of the Freewinds religious retreat. They were given an overview of the past year of accomplishments and a future full with possibility. Attendees were treated to a briefing on all the details of the religion’s ever-expanding movement.

15th annual Maiden Voyage celebration of the Freewinds Scientology religious retreat.

The afternoon seminar was hosted by representatives from Church Management and among an array of exciting topics presented was the number of new Ideal Orgs in the pipeline.

An energetic recap next celebrated the historic launch of the Scientology Television Network in March and gave a behind the scenes look at Scientology Media Productions. In fact, attendees discovered how the Church-owned and staffed Hollywood studio generates original content and manages the million-and-one details involved in broadcasting to the world in 17 languages.

Then rounding out the presentation, passengers enjoyed a review of how the religion’s rapid expansion is impacting local Scientology Churches around the world, with numbers walking through their doors now highest in the religion’s history.

Dignitaries from myriad island nations of the West Indies and the Dutch Caribbean express their appreciation and respect by unveiling four commemorative monuments, each one right on their island’s main harbor entrance

“Thirty years is truly a milestone, and it means the individuals who have passed through the Freewinds and those who are currently serving, have really committed their lives to dedicated service to humanity,” said Dominica’s Minister of Education.

“The fact is, you’re here year in and year out,” the Prime Minister of St. Lucia added. “So you have become an integral part of our society.”

While the Prime Minister of Dominica summed it up like this: “The Freewinds now is synonymous with the Caribbean. In every island… you are highly regarded, and you are highly appreciated for what you’ve been doing over the last 30 years.”

Dan Sherman, the LRH Biographer, then presented an illuminating tale of L. Ron Hubbard’s fight for human rights in Southern Africa. In particular, Mr. Hubbard’s legendary Bill of Rights and Constitution for Rhodesia—a document designed to break down walls of racial prejudice at the height of apartheid.

A formal evening was dedicated to the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) and its mission to further the social betterment efforts of the religion. It is a dynamic part of every Maiden Voyage Anniversary.

The award given Mr. Miscavige is among the most prestigious of the National Police and represents “courage, bravery and honesty” and the “display of the highest ideals, morals and ethical values.”

In an official presentation ceremony held at the launch point and final stop of the Maiden Voyage in Bridgetown, Barbados, National Colombian Police General Carlos Ramiro Mena Bravo presented Mr. Miscavige with the Brigadier General Jaime Ramírez Gómez Inspector General Transparency Medal. The award is among the most prestigious of the National Police and represents “courage, bravery and honesty” and the “display of the highest ideals, morals and ethical values.” In presenting the medal to Mr. Miscavige, General Mena declared: “There are more than enough reasons to give this medal to the person who is leading this great Organization of Scientology. The National Police praises, acknowledges and materializes our great gratitude for all the training, motivation and respect Mr. Miscavige has given, not only to every police officer and Colombian military officer, but to every citizen that has benefitted from L. Ron Hubbard’s technology and the humanitarian campaigns he inspired.”

The full article may be read online on the Scientology Newsroom.


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