May 28, 2024

Some Christians (and I am betting almost no Jews) take the entire Bible literally and view its accounts as historically accurate, seemingly without question. Is the Holy Bible the unerring revealed word of God? This question has plagued scholars and theologians. It is a question that we cannot approach, much to the aggravation of fundamentalists, with an eye to discovering “proof,” a concept that is meaningless in matters of faith.  In such matters, the idea of proof is not helpful... Read more

April 28, 2024

Beltane?  What’s that? Beltane is celebrated as the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice and for thousands of years, heralded the beginning of summer. Beltane is one of the eight spokes of the pagan Wheel of the Year. What is the Wheel of the Year? In ancient times, before the Christian missionaries arrived in northern Gaul and Britain and Ireland, the Celtic people who lived there already had their own religious beliefs and practices which Christians deemed... Read more

April 23, 2024

In April in the year 1915, 56,000 English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Australian and New Zealand soldiers, colonial, Maori and Aboriginal, gave their lives in an attempt to unseat the Ottoman Empire from Constantinople and from influence. This action came to be known as the Gallipoli Campaign.  It was fought in Sula Bay and the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. Each year since 1916, April 25 is recognized originally as ANZAC Day, in remembrance of those dead  and now Remembrance Day in... Read more

April 14, 2024

Do you believe there are false prophets in the United States today?  If you do, do you think they are dangerous?  Let us look at some ideas from Biblical times and see what we might find in our own time. Should we be concerned about false prophets today? What is a prophet? How can a prophet be false? Are false prophets dangerous? Do we have false prophets working in the world today What is a false prophet? The Oxford Companion... Read more

April 7, 2024

You want to read the Bible but you’re not sure how to get started.  Without some kind of plan, the goal might seem daunting. Here are some tried and true tips that can help you to begin your study of God’s word. Tips for starting your Bible reading plan Start with a book that captures your interest Consider the translation you are using Find a place to read that will be quiet and peaceful Take notes to help you organize... Read more

April 1, 2024

It is good to start every day with prayer when the day is fresh and new. If you pray every morning, are you getting the most out of your prayers?  These tips might help you do just that! In order to receive the greatest benefit from your morning prayer, you might try these tips and hints to make your morning prayer more meaningful. Pray with Intention Pray in Quiet Start with Gratitude Maintain Humility Pray for your Community Below, I... Read more

March 26, 2024

The Easter story, the story of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, has been told in a thousand ways.  None of them is anything like this one! David Olney’s The Stone At least since the third century, the faithful have been celebrating the resurrection of Jesus with music.  Throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and into modern times, we have music by Handel, Bach, Beethoven and Billy Joe Shaver, among many, many others. An Easter story like no other! Almost all... Read more

March 20, 2024

You would think that in 2000 years, we could have figured out  just how many people named John appear in the New Testament. You would think.  But no, we still don’t know. The image above, of course, is John Lennon of the Beatles. Clearly, he is not one of the Johns in the New Testament, but there is a connection, as we shall see. First, however, we will explore the New Testament and make an effort to sort, or at... Read more

March 14, 2024

Who was St. Patrick and why do we celebrate his feast day? Since the fifth and sixth centuries, Ireland has generally recognized three patron Saints, St. Columba (Irish: Colmcille), St. Brigid and St. Patrick.  Patrick (Irish Pádraig) is the most well known of these saints outside Ireland itself. Each of these Patron Saints has a specific characteristics that make them memorable. St. Columba (Colmcille) The name Columba is a Latinization of the Irish Gaelic name Comcille.  It means Dove of... Read more

March 10, 2024

The Bible includes only four gospels.  Can we learn anything new from gospels that were not included?  Scholars look at the non-canonical gospels with great interest.  The Coptic Gospel of Thomas might cast new light. Where did the gospels come from? Tracing the history of the various stories of Jesus from the first few centuries CE has been a focus of scholars for many decades. So much scholarship exists that we will not attempt to cover all those bases but... Read more

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