March 6, 2023

As the great prophet Haddaway once questioned, “What is love?” Image via Pixabay And of course, there can be no easy answer, catchy 90’s techno dance-beats aside. Love is a feeling, of course. And love is something we act upon. It comes in many forms, from romantic to platonic to familial to casual to our feelings about various sports franchises and particular restaurant preferences. I love Pizza Hut. It is not fine dining, but I love it nonetheless with a... Read more

February 28, 2023

I think it’s safe to say that we can probably master this topic in the next few hundred words. Image via Pixabay In 2021 I spent essentially an entire year’s worth of Sunday mornings walking through the Book of Revelation at Meadow Brook Church, starting with chapter 1, verse 1 in January, going verse-by-verse through the entire thing from start to finish, wrapping it up just before Christmas. My running joke was that we were going to “solve” this thing... Read more

February 21, 2023

The older I get, the more I realize that I am ignorant about almost everything there is to know. Image via Pixabay Also, the older I get, the more I am learning to embrace it – not accept it, but embrace it. Think about it: when you consider the vast sum of knowledge that is available on any given topic in the universe, most of us are ignorant about virtually all of it. There is actually very little that we... Read more

February 14, 2023

Until very recently in church history, one’s musical worship times could only happen on Sunday mornings at church, or at home if you happened to have musically gifted people in the house who could sing or play an instrument. Image via Pixabay In today’s YouTube-dominated, Spotify-enchanced, instant-streaming world, we have infinite access to pretty much any worship song or album ever recorded, allowing us incredible opportunities to glorify God and draw closer to Him through praise. This really is an... Read more

February 7, 2023

I will start by saying that I am both angry and heartbroken that this article even needs to be written – that this topic is a thing. Image via Pixabay Over my years in ministry, I have occasionally heard from women who have been willing to share their story of something most personal. Every time I’ve heard about this issue, it ignites a level of anger that is rare for me. I hate that women have experienced this. I hate... Read more

January 31, 2023

Yes, of course, Christ-followers must revere the Scriptures. Image via Pixabay We believe that the Scriptures are the Holy Spirit-breathed Word of God (2Tim 3.16-17). They are light for our path and food to sustain our souls (Dt 8.3; Ps 119.105; ). We cannot possibly know God apart from them. But along with this core belief, we also believe that the Word of God is a person. Well, not a person, but a Person. Jesus is also called the Word... Read more

January 24, 2023

Today, I wanted to share some reflections on the future of the North American Church. Image via Pixabay Goodness knows I am not an expert, and I am not presenting these as “prophecies” or speaking in the Name of the Lord. That being said, much prayer and reflection has gone into these ideas, and I present them humbly as something for you to consider and pray into. What follows are some prayerful observations on where I could see things going.... Read more

September 26, 2022

Certain ministers who fancy themselves as “prophets” occasionally make pronouncements of impending death upon people, typically as a result of God’s wrath coming against them. I wish they wouldn’t, for a number of reasons. Image via Pixabay First, they usually get it wrong, embarrassing the prophetic and making a mockery of the Holy Spirit. Second, it ignores the command of Jesus to love our enemies instead of cursing them (which safely includes speaking death over them) (Lk 6.27-28). And third,... Read more

September 22, 2022

When Christians judge people outside the Church… …well, we’re really just not supposed to do that. Image via Pixabay The apostle Paul speaks to the matter in 1st Corinthians chapter 5. There is significant sin going on in the Corinthian church, and apparently it is unrepentant. Paul issues a serious correction, including a temporary removal of the offender from worship and fellowship (1Co 5.4-5). Given what Paul has to say about gentle restoration of sinners elsewhere (Gal 6.1), it is... Read more

September 19, 2022

During the COVID pandemic, an Ontario pastor who was upset about government-sanctioned restrictions publicly declared from the pulpit, “I am praying God’s wrath and judgment upon Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his government. Read your Bibles! Read the Psalms! It is biblical to pray God’s wrath upon your enemies!” Now I love the preacher as a brother in Christ, but to be honest I don’t like anything about this sentiment. Image via Pixabay Is it biblical to pray wrath upon... Read more

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