March 24, 2022

When I was young and single, a slightly older married friend of mine told me that being married meant you said “sorry” a lot. Image via Pixabay He said, “You see yourself in new ways, through your wife’s eyes, and sometimes that means you see your faults like never before. It’s like a great big mirror being held up to you, and you realize how wrong you can be.” I never forgot that, and carried it with me into my... Read more

March 21, 2022

Can a Christian love their country? Short answer: Of course, but with a great big Jesus-centered “but…” Image via Pixabay   Longer answer: Every country calls its citizens to obedience and patriotism. From the youngest of ages, we are literally taught to love our country, to feel national pride, to celebrate our victories, and if we’re being honest, to gloss over our shortcomings. As for me, I. Am. Canadian. (hey, remember this guy?). And I am very, very grateful for... Read more

March 17, 2022

There are a lot of Christians out there praying for God’s wrath to fall on Vladimir Putin these days. Image via Pixabay   The question is, should we? It can be argued that there is a basis in Scripture for it. The famous and brutal and confusing “imprecatory Psalms” are perhaps the best examples of this. Here is part of Psalm 68, as King David prays against his enemies:   Break the teeth in their mouths, O God;     Lord, tear... Read more

March 14, 2022

Recently it came out that a Christian leader that I have greatly admired for many years had abused his pastoral authority and entered into a sinful sexual relationship with a vulnerable woman under his pastoral care. Image via Pixabay A woman has been victimized. A family has been shattered. A church is left reeling. This is fresh, and it is shocking, and many if not all of us are struggling to know exactly how to feel or respond. This man... Read more

March 10, 2022

Image via Pixabay Many years ago, a friend of mine in the ministry was applying for credentials with his denomination. I’ve done this a couple of times, with two different denominations. It’s typically a lengthy process of the denomination needing to ensure that a minister is aligned with their theological convictions, approach to ministry, core values, etc. It usually involves writing some papers, attending classes, answering a lot of questions, and having in-person interviews with a committee that will ultimately... Read more

March 7, 2022

In North America, Christians can be known by people outside the Church as much for their political positions as their theological ones. Image via Pixabay In America especially, right-wing evangelicals constitute a major voting demographic, and use this fact to seek to influence political powers to accomplish their goals. So what exactly did Jesus and apostles have to say about secular government? Short answer: Almost nothing. So why do so many Christians spend so much time and energy investing in... Read more

March 3, 2022

Image via Pixabay A few weeks ago on my personal Facebook page, I posted a video of Stephen Colbert being asked about his faith on his TV show. I thought his answer was thoughtful and thought-provoking, and I was impressed with how he talked about faith in a non-faith context, making his convictions known in an approachable way to his audience. If you haven’t seen it, take a look! I’ve watched this a bunch and still really like it. He... Read more

February 28, 2022

At the risk of sounding braggy, I am pretty good at the whole “empathy” thing. Image via Pixabay Not because I’m so great, it’s God-given wiring, but it feels natural for me to put myself in someone else’s shoes, feel their pain, have compassion for their struggle, and seek understanding for what they’re going through, even if I don’t agree with them. I am far from perfect at it, but it is one of the reasons I am a pastor.... Read more

February 24, 2022

Right smack in the middle of Jesus’ opening words of the Sermon on the Mount, there is this intriguing line: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Mt 5.9) Image via Pixabay   Sounds good to me! I’m in. I want to be called a child of God, and peace sounds real good, so I’m all for it. (I know it’s unwise to be so controversial on the Internet, but I have to be true to... Read more

February 21, 2022

(Shout out to my dad Alan for suggesting to me the title/structure for this column as we discussed some of these issues!) Image via Pixabay While the faith teaches that Satan was defeated at the Cross, we know from Scripture that he retains influence in this world and has declared war on God’s people, which he will wage until he is removed from the scene for good (Rev 12.17; Rev 19). Satan is alive and active. We are not afraid,... Read more

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