God’s Canvas #1- Collard Lizard

God’s Canvas #1- Collard Lizard July 13, 2023

Collard Lizard in Natural Bridges National Park
God’s Canvas -Collard Lizard Natural Bridges National Monument. Faith Richardson/Photographer

Every year when our kids were young, we would vacation in National Parks. We visited 52 National Parks in their growing up years.

This year, we traveled through Utah. Stopping at the Natural Bridges National Park after seeing Arches National Park. When we entered the ranger station, I saw these incredible lizards on posters all over the visitor center. I was fascinated by them. They were on bookmarks, post cards and playing cards, too. When I asked about them, the ranger got very excited in her description of them and how they are prevalent in this park.

I must have showed excitement on my face as I touched the camera around my neck, because the ranger became somber, almost apologetic and stated, “They are very shy. The photographers who get these amazing photos of these guys sit out in the park at all hours of the day waiting for them to merge from hiding.” She explained, “The chances of you getting to see one, much less get a photo of one is very slim.”

Nothing is Impossible with God

I smiled. She doesn’t know my GodMy daddy likes to give me these small gifts. I turned on my heal and followed my family out to the trails. I stopped at a nearby sign and said a quick prayer, just asking God to allow me to see one of these beautiful creatures. After reading the information signs we chose a trail and headed down it. I led, my family close behind me conversing about the facts they had just read.

Just as I turned the hairpin corner in the path out from the Rubber Rabbitbush ran, a guess what? Yup, you guessed it! A Collard Lizard! He ran over to these three rocks stacked on top of each other, an Ebenezer marking the trail, and posed right there on top of them just for me.

I hushed the family and motioned for them to stop walking. I inched closer and zoomed in with my camera. I was not sure how long God would allow for him to stay and pose for me so I snapped as many photos as my shaky hands would allow. I was so excited that I got to see him that the rest of the hike was a blur for me. I couldn’t wait to get back and show that ranger all my photos.

That’s the thing about God-He loves to love on his children. He knows how much I love to take photos of His wildlife and so He takes me on spectacular adventures and He and I often get to see some really amazing sights. I’m not afraid to ask Him for it either. He often gives me way more than what I ask for too. His ways are so much better than mine.

*Previously posted on FaithFraze @ Faitherichardson.com https://faitherichardson.com/?p=336

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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