Follow God’s Directions

Follow God’s Directions October 19, 2023

Old Map with Compass
Follow God’s Directions.

My husband and I traveled from Colorado to Seattle and back recently. We took out maps and decided which roads to take and where to stop for the night. We booked reservations with hotels then researched and selected fun things to do and see along the way. We strategically packed a few pieces of luggage to accommodate all sorts of weather and personal care. We piled everything in the car, being sure to put reachable items close for us to access without having to stop and get out. We made arrangements for our animals and greenhouse and left knowing our home was secure.

I can’t imagine not planning for this trip. Jumping in a car and not knowing what direction to travel. Where will we stop and rest?  Unsure if they would even be open when we arrived. Not thinking about or even packing correctly. Who’s taking care of the house, my cats? I would be a heaping mess and wouldn’t make it out of the driveway much less all the way to Seattle.

But isn’t that how most of us live life? At least spiritually? When we start our day without first seeking God, we are moving about our life with no plan and no direction. We have no idea what the day will entail and leave the house unprepared. Just as we plan and prepare physically, it’s just as important if not more so, to plan and prepare mentally. Spiritually. Without this, we walk about our day blinded and without protection from whatever lurks around the corner. Exactly where Satan wants us. Unprepared and ill-equipped.

David Reminds Us

This can all be avoided if we choose to seek God first. In Psalm 5:3  David reminds us that mornings are the best time to seek Him. “Each morning I will look to you in heaven and lay my requests before you, praying earnestly. David seeks direction from God in Psalm 5:8, “Lord, lead me as you promised me you would; otherwise, my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do, which way to turn” (TLB). When we do this, we know exactly what to pack, which roads to take, and have God’s directions to follow.

There is something special to start your day with God. If we discipline ourselves into making this a morning routine priority how much better would navigating life be? I mean the very first scripture of the Bible is, “In the beginning God…” So, doesn’t it make sense to seek God in the beginning of EVERYTHING? So why is it so hard to remember to do? Why do we have to get so discombobulated and turned upside down before we seek Him? Because Satan, the father of all lies and manipulation, is very good at his job.

Be Prepared

Wake up, talk with God, get a plan of action for the day, the task at hand, or even down to what to wear. Put on your armor of God and sit quietly. Wait before Him until He directs your path and watch how better prepared you are when Calamity strikes. And believe me, she will strike.

Having this discipline does not exempt us from a visit from Calamity. Jesus promises us she will visit often and sometimes it will feel like she moved in. But we don’t have to become downcast or feel defeated by her visit because Jesus already has victory over her.

Instead, follow Jesus’ directions for life. This will involve a radical lifestyle because He challenges us to be diligent in handling wrong behaviors, attitudes, and words.  God calls us to love. To be a blessing to all we encounter whether they deserve it or not.

In Matthew 5:27-42 Matthew reminds us to not hold a grudge, not speak in anger, not to envy, not to break our promise, and to give and lend. Nicky Gumbel, from The Bible in One Year, says it best when he said, “Just like there are general directions to every car journey; the rules of the road. Jesus’ directions are a ‘highway code’ for a life of blessing.” Seek Him first. Follow His direction!


**Do you start your day with Jesus first? Comment below. I’d love to hear about your meeting with Jesus.

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It’s her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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