July 9, 2011

“A religious leader in North Carolina shot to death his four-​year old step son because he thought the boy, Jadon Higganbothan, might be gay.” Read more

July 8, 2011

NEW YORKER: “Homeschoolers are not the most obvious raw material for a college whose main mission, since its founding, five years ago, has been to train a new generation of Christian politicians. Politics, after all, is the most social of professions, and many students arrive at Patrick Henry having never shared a classroom with anyone other than their siblings.” Read more

July 8, 2011

USA TODAY: “Can military chaplains wed same sex couples in states where such marriages are legal? Yes? No? Not yet? The answer is murky.” Read more

July 8, 2011

illiezeulette wants to know what your core beliefs are as a Pagan… Read more

July 8, 2011

WaPo ON FAITH: “New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan says he’s worried that the next step in the marriage debate will be another redefinition to allow multiple partners and infidelity.” Read more

July 8, 2011

The Dalai Lama, who is in Washington, DC for a ten day event, has written: “I have come to the conclusion that whether or not a person is a religious believer does not matter much. Far more important is that they be a good human being.”. . . “That is why I sometimes say that religion is something we can perhaps do without.” Read more

July 8, 2011

IGNORANT STORY OF THE WEEK: “The Sheriff’s office doesn’t believe the incidents are linked, but they do believe it’s the work of someone who dabbles in voodoo or witchcraft, someone calling on dark, supernatural powers to hurt an individual.” Read more

July 7, 2011

THE TELEGRAPH: “Madhya Pradesh state government is investigating claims that up to 300 girls were surgically turned into boys in one city after their parents paid about £2,000 each for the operations.” Read more

July 7, 2011

“93 days in jail over a vegetable garden. for a regular mom with several great children who has never been in trouble,who abides by the laws, who has no record, who has committed no crime, and who doesn’t cause trouble. and I didn’t do anything wrong.” Read more

July 7, 2011

Wane Wyrds: “What really boils my blood is when I read some recent posts online that in essence compare Freyr to Odin or even those who go so far to say Freyr is simply an aspect of Odin himself.” Read more

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