New Book on Business as Vocation

New Book on Business as Vocation May 25, 2007

I am excited to note that a new book has just been published on Christian social justice in the workplace. John C. Médaille’s The Vocation of Business: Social Justice in the Marketplace is now available for purchase from Continuum.

Here’s a synopsis of the book from Continuum’s website:

This is a textbook on the Social Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church for would-be business professionals. Part I does 3 things: provides (1) a history of moral discourse since the Enlightenment, (2) a history of economic thought from Aristotle and Aquinas to Ludwig Mises and Milton Friedman , and (3) a history of property. Part II provides a close reading of 3 major social encyclicals. Part III examines the tensions between Catholic social teaching and neoclassical economics. Part IV explores 5 case studies of the actual implementation of Catholic-like social teaching. The over-riding theme of the book is that the original unity of distributive and corrective justice that prevailed in both economics and moral discourse until the 16th and 17th centuries was shattered by the rise of an “individualistic” capitalism that relied on corrective justice (justice in exchange) only. The rise of individualistic business practice was paralleled by a movement in moral thinking from a discourse of virtue and the common good to a discourse of utilitarianism and “emotivism”; individual preference became all that mattered, and only the market is capable of correlating individual preferences. An economics that lacks a distributive principle will attain neither equity nor equilibrium and will be inherently unstable and increasingly reliant on government power (Keynesianism) to correct the balances. Catholic social teaching emphasizes equity in the distribution of land, the means of production, and a just wage.

Here’s a description of the author, who kindly emailed us to announce the news of the publication:

[John C. Médaille] is a graduate student and adjunct instructor in theology at the University of Dallas, where he teaches “Social Justice for Business Students,” a requirement for the Business Leadership Degree. He is a businessman with 31 years of experience in management at large corporations and as an independent real estate agent. He served 5 terms as City Councilman, City of Irving, and served as mayor pro tem in 1991.. He is delivering papers at 3 conferences in the fall of 2006: The Sixth International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Management Education, Rome, Oct.; Conference on Catholic Social Teaching and Human Work, Villanova Univ., Sept.; 2006 Pruitt Memorial Symposium and Lilly Fellows Program National Research Conference, Baylor Univ., Nov. He’s published one article in “New Oxford Review,” “Power to the People Must Mean Property to the People,” January 2000, and the entry on “Distributivism” in “Catholic Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy: An Encyclopedia” (Scarecrow, forthcoming).

As soon as I can get a copy and read it carefully, I’ll write a review. From the look of the chapters and the themes, this may turn out to be a very helpful alternative to other popular Catholic literature that attempts to baptize free-market capitalism, despite its truncated anthropology and forgetfulness of biblical realism. If you get a chance, do read this new volume and let us know what you think!

For more on Médaille, see his webpage on economics and the blog he helps run, The Distributist Review.

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