So long, TCR News

So long, TCR News August 10, 2007

Sad to see this week that Stephen Hand has made the decision to stop publishing his long-running Traditional Catholic Reflections and Reports site and its accompanying blog. I can’t say I agreed with everything Stephen wrote there, but I know we were definitely in the same ballpark, sharing a devotion to Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement, and our hearts were similarly moved to passionately denounce the culture of death’s increasing devotion to modern warfare. Stephen was, and remains, one of the best examples of faithful truthtelling and defense of human life that the Catholic corner of the web has seen, and I’m sad to see him go.

From his site:

To all our former visitors and readers:

After nearly 8 years I have decided to stop publishing TCR (Traditional Catholic Reflections and Reports) and its blog (which evidently was taken over by bad people when dropped) for various important reasons.

Thank you to all who faithfully visited this webpage from every continent for so long. I am grateful to each and every one of you.

My contact information is below. I hope to continue writing about Our Catholic faith and culture in print publication in the future.

Some (though hardly all) previous TCR writings can be found at the web archive and storefront here: (type in

Pax et bonum,
Stephen Hand

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