To whom do I owe deference

To whom do I owe deference September 12, 2007

I thought I would attempt a little thought experiment tonight. 

You will not be graded on this test.  If it makes you feel better, there are no wrong answers, at least in my judgement.  A certain diety is free to disagree.  In the comments, I will answer my own questions.

Situation:  You have been requested to perform an unpleasant task.  This task is not unethical, degrading, or morally offensive.  Rank the following authorities based upon your acquiescence to the task with the first being the authority you will least likely offer protest.

  • Bishop
  • Father
  • Governor
  • Grandfather
  • Mayor
  • Pastor (the priest who governs your parish)
  • Police officer
  • Priest
  • Uncle

The second question is how do you think your neighbor would rank these authorities.

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