No Need To Misrepresent Ann Coulter

No Need To Misrepresent Ann Coulter October 12, 2007

I am no fan of Ann Coulter. I find her style to be abrasive and often hateful. I disagree with many of her positions. However, I do not think it is just to make things up about her, or take what she says out of context and use it to misrepresent her beliefs.

Appearing on CNBC’s The Big Idea, Coulter said she would rather have the United States to be completely Christian (and I would agree; if we were Christian, not by having some gnostic belief in Christ, but a holistic approach where our praxis reveals our faith – things would be much better). This led to a question – what about the Jews? Would she want them to be Christian? And, without surprise, Ann Coulter replied affirmatively; later she explained it that, “We just want Jews to be perfected.” I agree with her – we want Jews (and gentiles) to be perfected in and through Christ.

This statement has been turned upside-down; instead of being seen as a charitable desire, it’s called hateful. It’s been labeled “antisemitic.”

Sadly, this kind of ad hominem has a great amount of influence in political rhetoric, but the reverse, being anti-gentile is not. Indeed, one can ask, if she said she just wanted gentiles to be perfected in Christ, would it be labeled anti-gentile? No. Nor is it anti-human to want all humans to be in Christ. No! It is a charitable desire. Yes, in this respect, if Ann Coulter is true to her words, she showed a charitable desire for the Jews, not hate. She believes that Christ offers something to us which makes us better. I do not know how anyone can construe this to be hate. One might disagree with someone and think Christ doesn’t make them better, but if someone does believe it, it is the height of charity to wish Christ’s grace and peace upon them.

Moreover, if one looks at Ann Coulter’s record, it is clear she is a supporter of the state of Israel (especially its military campaigns). She has given two exclusive interviews to the Jewish Press  here and here which provide for a good understanding of her views on the Jews.

One can find many things to disagree with Ann Coulter. There is no need to misrepresent her and make up reasons to dislike her.

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