Today in the culture

Today in the culture December 19, 2007

Pigeon Hole this:

  1. Successful woman worth $100’s of thousands irresponsibly conceives a baby she cannot afford.
  2. Woman with regular employment irresponsibly conceives child.
  3. Wealthy and high income earning woman bravely chooses to raise child rather than abort it.
  4. There are general lessons to be drawn by this misfortune despite 99+% of teenagers not being close to her financial or professional situation.  Heck, many of us in our upper twenties and lower thirties are nowhere close to this yet most of us are viewed as quite capable of procreation.
  5. This is a story that demands commentary, because it is so ubiquitous in today’s society.  It offers the perfect opportunity to pose for holy pictures, because everyone cares so much about over indulged, rich, young celebrities.

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