Hispanics and Communion

Hispanics and Communion January 8, 2008

Which was fine – I knew what the readings were, I can even do a few of the prayer responses (I could have done more if I’d known where the missalettes were – they weren’t in the pews) and I do know what’s happening. I was actually sorry that I don’t understand Spanish, though, because the priest’s delivery in his homily was excellent and seemed to be engaging, and I really would like to have known what he was saying.

So anyway, my past experience at predominatly Hispanic Masses has taught me that only a minority in the congregation will receive Communion. I was startled, though, because I’m going to estimate that at this Mass, only about 10% present did. I was expecting maybe half, but I’m serious when I say that in this congregation that numbered probably three or four hundred, Communion took about three minutes.

Why is that?

The Rabbit Hole I’d like to avoid is the whole comparison between pre-and post-Vatican II Communion reception practices in general. That’s not what I’m interested in. I’m interested in why so few Hispanic Catholics receive Communion in 2008.

Amy Welborn

I think Mrs. Welborn asks a very good question.  I’m curious what the floor says here.  We don’t pre-moderate comments here, but I don’t want Vatican II changed everything responses, so if you see disappearing comments you’ll know why.  I’ve heard them (as have most people) already, but more importantly I don’t think it sheds much light in this case.  Mrs. Welborn has already solicited a number of interesting comments.

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