Wisconsin Decides

Wisconsin Decides February 19, 2008

Having seen a steady diet of Obama on the TV, Wisconsin votes today.  Obama even called my wife yesterday, or at least she got to hear his recorded voice.  I’m in the Green Bay television market, and I would guess Obama has had 60% of the ads.  Cinton has had 20% of the ads, almost all of them whining about Obama.   The over 20% of political ads have been divided between Huckabee and McCain, both messages generally positive.  I haven’t finalized my choice.  I will be voting this evening.

I’m debating a vote for Huckabee based on principle.  As a social conservative, any delegates he would bring to the national convention would be of benefit to the overall platform.  Despite some differences with him, I would only violate my core belief that the War in Iraq needs to end and our troops need to come home.  I don’t believe a vote for him on that basis will encourage that cause.  My hope is that it would provide a witness to other Republicans that the concerns of social conservatives are real.

The other candidate I’m considering is Obama.  My wife and I are deeply scandalized by his pro-abortion position.  At this point I have no intention of supporting McCain in a general election.  I do consider him to be a worse alternative to both Obama and Clinton.  Since I believe a Democrat will be elected President, I’m thinking prudence would suggest eliminating the worst candidate.  I think Mrs. Clinton is the worst candidate among the Democrats.  Her agenda is a more liberal version of “business Republican”, at least this is how she has positioned herself over the prior couple years.  This shouldn’t be shocking given that President Clinton chose his path to office via the DLC, a moderate group with the Democratic Party that is pro-corporate interest and relatively disinterested in unions.  Obama has shown instincts of being populist, particularly with his opposition to CAFTA before seeking the presidency.  I think he would also move us out of Iraq quicker than Clinton would.

I have 9 hours to decide.

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