The Little Way – In Traffic

The Little Way – In Traffic April 23, 2008

Did you allow someone to go ahead of you today even though you were in a rush?

Did you get impatient when the person driving a few cars ahead of you didn’t go right after the light turned green?

Did you say a few bad words after someone cut you off on the highway?

I didn’t do too well on the three points above yesterday, so I hope you can do better than me! It was a wake-up call yesterday when I was getting really impatient with this car in front of me, because he took so much time to move from one lane to the other and I needed to get to class right away. I was tempted to honk, but after I passed the car, I noticed that the person driving was really old and was perhaps scared to change lanes. I know my grandma does the same thing this man was doing. And we can’t fall into the temptation of just saying “well, they shouldn’t be driving anyway!” They may not have anyone to drive them around. They may not have any living relatives or people who would want to drive them wherever they need to go.

We never know in what state of mind people are driving or what their handicaps may be… sometimes it’s just better to not try to get ahead and just enjoy being last every once in a while…

“[t]he last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Mt 20:16)

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