If McCain wants to win, he may need to dump Palin

If McCain wants to win, he may need to dump Palin September 26, 2008

One week before the GOP convention, I told Katerina that I was seriously considering placing my vote with Sen. John McCain. By the end of the DNC, I was prepared to do just that, though I wanted to see who the Republican V.P. pick would be. Then came Sarah Palin and I balked. Then her political record was made known and I cringed. Then she started talking and I gave up on McCain. Elizabeth Dole would have worked just fine for me. And, I’m sorry to say, giving a V.P. a pass on lack of intelligence, lack of experience, inability to speak articulately, and absence of coherent arguments for political principles is ridiculous, inane, and naive. Would those who justify their support of Palin out of sheer “love” for her hire someone with those privations for, say, their law firm? Exactly. So why for V.P.?  Dogmatism.

I think Kathleen Parker, a one time Palin supporter, is right, as I noted yesterday: Gov. Sarah Palin is not cut out for the vice presidency or the national spotlight. As Palin-mania grinds to its inevitable halt, the governor is increasingly becoming a liability to the McCain campaign (hence, McCain desperately and vainly attempted to get tonight’s presidential debate moved to the day of the V.P. debate, putting the latter’s scheduling in momentary oblivion). The GOP nominee seems to be trying to run out the clock before Palin can do any more damage. McCain may want to cut his losses now and dump her from the ticket. There’s still time to snatch up a more viable candidate. Gambling that the American public is utterly stupid is no longer a safe bet.

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